Monopoly/Free Parking Jackpot Expansion
The Free Parking Jackpot Expansion is one of three Monopoly expansions released by Hasbro in 2025. This expansion is essentially an expanded version of the Free Parking Jackpot house rule, allowing players to pool money in a jackpot that is won using a spinner, and take a special token that will enable them to buy properties for free.
The object of the game has been changed - now the players are aiming to be the richest player once all of the properties have been purchased.
[edit | edit source]As an expansion, the Free Parking Jackpot Expansion does not contain the equipment of the original Monopoly. It comes with the following equipment:
- A gameboard attachment. This is a special piece of cardboard with a new Free Parking space, a spinner with four green and four red segments, a slot for the new Bonus card deck and a slot for the Free Parking jackpot.
- The Bonus card deck. There are 32 cards in this deck and they allow you to undertake beneficial actions when you are holding them.
- The Deal Mobile. This is a golden token resembling a car, and the player who owns it may purchase unowned properties for free.
- Six Spin Space clips. These are blue and have an icon of the attachment's spinner and the white word "SPIN" underneath them.
- Twenty Spin chips. These are circular pieces of plastic with a design based on the spinner.
- Eight reminder cards that detail the rules of the expansion, and a guide.
[edit | edit source]To set up the expansion, set up a normal game of Monopoly, then do the following:
- Remove the Chance and Community Chest card decks and put them back in the box. They will not be used.
- Insert the board into the gameboard attachment's slot so that the attachment's Free Parking Space covers the original Free Parking space.
- Shuffle the Bonus cards and deal two to each player, then place the remainder face-down on their designated position on the gameboard attachment as a draw pile.
- Insert the Spin Space Clips onto the board so that they cover the Chance and Community Chest spaces.
- Place the Deal Mobile on Free Parking.
- Give each player two Spin chips. The rest belong to the Bank.
- Give each player a reminder card.
Spinning the Spinner
[edit | edit source]All penalty money that would be paid to the Bank in standard Monopoly (e.g. taxes or penalty money) is instead paid to the Free Parking jackpot, of which there is a slot dedicated on the gameboard attachment.
If a player lands on a property that they own or a Spin Space, they are allowed to spin the Free Parking Jackpot spinner and must follow the instructions of the segment the spinner lands on. The spinner has eight segments, four red and four green.
If the spinner lands on a red segment, they must pay some money to the Free Parking jackpot. The amount is listed on the segment.
If the spinner lands on a green segment, they must follow the instructions listed on the segment. The four green segments have the following effects:
- Jackpot! The player immediately takes all of the money in the Free Parking jackpot.
- The player may immediately buy any one unowned property.
- The player may take the Deal Mobile - this will be explained later.
- The player may build a house on any one of their owned streets for free, following the normal rules for doing so..
The player may also cash in a Spin chip on their turn to spin the spinner.
Regardless of the result of a spin, the player draws one Bonus card after spinning.
Bonus Cards
[edit | edit source]A player will draw one Bonus card after spinning the spinner, and each bonus card lists an action the player may take to benefit them - for example, moving to any property or collecting the entire Free Parking jackpot. If a player wants to play a Bonus card, they read out the instructions on the card and follow them, before reshuffling the card back into the Bonus deck.
A player is not limited as to how many Bonus cards they may hold in their hand, and they may play as many Bonus cards as they like on their turn. However, a player may only play Bonus cards on their turn, unless the card's instructions say otherwise.
If an opponent lands on a player's property, the player may forgo collecting rent from the opponent and may instead take one Spin chip from the Bank. A player is not limited as to how many Spin chips they may possess, and Spin chips may be included in trades.
The Deal Mobile
[edit | edit source]The Deal Mobile is a gold token resembling a car. It is placed on the Free Parking space at game start.
If a player lands on Free Parking with an exact roll, the player may take the Deal Mobile, all of the money in the jackpot and a Bonus card. On that player's next roll, they move the Deal Mobile and leave their original token where it was.
If a player lands on an unowned property whilst in possession of the Deal Mobile, they may buy the property for free. In addition, they will not have to pay any rent if they land on other players' properties. However, they will not be able to collect Spin chips.
If the Deal Mobile's owner is sent to Jail, they lose control of the Deal Mobile, which is returned to Free Parking, and the player resumes moving with their original token.
If a Player gains control of the Deal Mobile from another player by landing on Free Parking, a spin or through a card, they take the Deal Mobile from its current owner. The Deal Mobile's former owner then places their original token where the Deal Mobile originally was, and resumes moving from there.
End of the Game
[edit | edit source]The game will end either once all of the properties have been purchased, or one player goes bankrupt. Once this happens, the remaining players collect money from the Bank for each property, equal to its face value on the board plus its current rent level.
The players then count up their cash, and the player with the most money wins.