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Monopoly/Go to Jail Expansion

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The Go To Jail Expansion is one of three Monopoly expansions released by Hasbro in 2025. As its name suggests, this expansion overhauls Jail, allowing players to gain criminal missions in Jail to gain an advantage.

The object of the game has been changed - now the objective is to be the richest player once all of the properties have been purchased or one player goes bankrupt.


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As an expansion, the Go to Jail Expansion does not contain the equipment of the original Monopoly. It comes with the following equipment:

  • The Jail gameboard attachment. This is a piece of cardboard that is inserted into the board by the Jail space. It bears a new Corruption space (that covers the original Jail space), an area for Jail itself (which has been moved off the board but connects to the Corruption space) and an area for the new Corruption card deck.
  • The Super Jail gameboard attachment. This attachment bears its own Go to Jail space (which is both aesthetically and functionally the same as the original space), an area for the new Super Jail (which connects to Go to Jail), and an area for the new Super Corruption card deck.
  • Two Go to Jail space attachments. These clip onto the board and act as additional Go to Jail spaces.
  • The Corruption and Super Corruption card decks. There are 32 cards in the Corruption deck and twelve in the Super Corruption deck. These allow a player to use underhanded tactics to get ahead when played.
  • The Heist and Escape Dies. These are special six-sided dice that have special stickers applied to them.
  • Six reminder cards, and a guide.


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To set up the expansion, set up a normal game of Monopoly, then do the following:

  • Remove the Chance and Community Chest card decks and put them back in the box. They will not be used. Place the Escape Die on the space normally occupied by the Chance cards, and the Heist Die on the space normally occupied by the Community Chest cards.
  • Attach the Super Jail gameboard attachment to the board at the Go to Jail corner, so that the attachment's Go to Jail space covers the original Go to Jail space.
  • Attach the Jail gameboard attachment to the board at the Jail corner, so that the Corruption space covers the original Jail space.
  • Shuffle the Corruption and Super Corruption decks, then deal two Corruption cards to each player and place the remaining cards facedown on their designated areas on the attachments as draw piles.
  • Attach the Go to Jail space attachments to the board, covering the tax spaces.
  • Give each player a reminder card.

Like with standard Monopoly, you will be automatically sent to Jail if you land on the Go to Jail space (of which there are three with this expansion). You cannot go to Jail via a Chance or Community Chest card as they are not used with this expansion. In addition, you no longer go to Jail if you roll three consecutive doubles - instead you move again and keep rolling.

Jail itself has been moved to a special area on the attachment just off the board proper. The bail to get out of Jail has been increased to 100.

You have two options to get out of Jail - pay the 100 bail or use a Get Out of Jail Free card - the option to roll doubles by any means. Upon leaving Jail by any means, you will reenter the board at the Corruption space and move from there.

You may only spend up to three turns in Jail. On your third turn, you must either pay or use a card, then roll and move.

Corruption Cards

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A player draws one Corruption card each time they pass the Corruption space, get sent to Jail, or for each turn they stay in Jail.

Each Corruption cards lists an action the player may take to benefit themselves. Playing Corruption cards may only be done on a player's turn unless the card says otherwise. To play a Corruption card, the player reads its instructions out loud, then follows them and places the Corruption card at the bottom of the deck.

A Corruption card may not be played on the turn it is obtained.

Corruption cards may be involved in trades alongside other assets.

Super Jail and Super Corruption Cards

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Super Jail is located on the Go to Jail gameboard attachment, and like standard Jail is located just off the board proper. A player may only be sent to Super Jail if another plays plays a Corruption that sends them there.

Whilst a player is in Super Jail they are still allowed to partake in auctions, but and sell buildings, and trade.

A player may spend up to three turns in Super Jail, and for every turn there they will draw one Super Corruption card. These have stronger benefits than standard Corruption cards but are subject to all of the same rules.

The bail to get out of Super Jail is 300. The player pays, then reenters their piece on Pacific Avenue/Regent Street, moving as normal. Alternatively, the player may get out of Super Jail by giving all of their Super Corruption cards to the player who sent them there.

If the player has spent three turns in Super Jail, then they must leave on their third turn. They pay 300 and then put their token on the Go to Jail space, ignoring its effect.

Escape and Heist Dies

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The Escape and Heist Dies replace the Chance and Community Chest card decks. If you land on a Chance or Community Chest space, then you must roll the Escape or Heist Die, respectively. There are three possible icons that can come up on either die:

  • A blue background with a number in white. If this comes up, collect that amount of money from the Bank.
  • An orange background with the Go to Jail icon. If this comes up, you immediately go to Jail.
  • A red background with a hand giving another hand a stack of money. If this comes up, you may draw Corruption cards equal to the number of your dice roll.

End of the Game

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The game will end once all of the properties have been purchased or one player goes bankrupt. Once this happens, the players collect money from the Bank for each property, equal to its purchase price as listed on its board space. They then collect rent from the Bank for each of their properties equal to its current rent value.

The players then count up their cash, and the player with the most money wins.

However, if a player's token is in Jail or Super Jail at the end of the game, that player automatically loses the game regardless of their current wealth.