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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Cadwallader

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Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Gender Male
Hair color Unknown
Eye color Unknown
Related Family Unknown
Loyalty Hufflepuff House


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Cadwallader (we never learn his fist name) plays in the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as Chaser. He is first mentioned in the sixth book.

Role in the Books

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Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

With the graduation and departure of the previous commentator for Quidditch, Lee Jordan, others are being tried for the position. For the game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Luna Lovegood is commentating, and she seems unable to recall Cadwallader's name, first believing his name to be "Bibble" or "Buggins".

Cadwallader's name is eventually revealed when Luna is prompted by Professor McGonagall.


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We must assume Cadwallader is a good Quidditch player as he made it onto the Hufflepuff team. His team also wins the match in which he was introduced, although that is largely due to misfortune.


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As we have never seen him before, or afterwards, there is nothing we can infer here.

Relationships with Other Characters

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Presumably he is on good terms with his teammates.


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The Hufflepuff Quidditch team has been seen a few times throughout the story, seemingly with a "revolving door" policy, as opposed to the Gryffindor team, who remain fairly static, at least for Harry's first few years. Cadwallader is a new character, and we have no way of knowing how long he has been playing Quidditch for. He has never been mentioned before, so perhaps he is new.

It may be of note that this team also contains Zacharias Smith, a dislikeable character who goes against most traditional Hufflepuff values. Ron's comment to Harry just before the match specifically mentions that he hopes Harry "hammers" his team.


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Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer; please don't answer them here.

  1. For how long do you think Cadwallader has been playing Quidditch?
  2. Had Harry not been knocked out, do you think Hufflepuff would still have won the match that easily?

Greater Picture

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Intermediate warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

The event in which Cadwallader makes his first and only named appearance serves to throw a couple of other characters into focusː Luna, in her role as commentator, and Cormac McLaggen, whose bravado and carelessness causes a catastrophic loss for Gryffindor. Whereas these incidents are comic and tragic respectively, we must remember that this is a Quidditch scene, and that there are fourteen young wizards and witches playing a sport. Naming some of them keeps Quidditch realistic.