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Na'vi/Na'vi–English dictionary/velar series/Print version

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Velar series

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Following are Na’vi words starting with the velar lenition series of consonants: H, K, Kx

ha adv. /ha/ [.]

so, in that case

hahaw v. /ˈha.hau̯/, infix h•ah•aw [.]


hangham (hagham) v. /ˈhaŋ.ham/, infix h•angh•am [.]


hapxì n. /ha.ˈpʼɪ/ [.]

käpxì n. /kæ.ˈpʼɪ/, pl. häpxì [.] rear (rear part or section; go)
zapxì n. /za.ˈpʼɪ/ [.] front (front part or section; zaʼu come)

haryu n.pl. /ˈhaɾ.ju/

Short plural of karyu. teacher

hasey adj. /ha.ˈsɛi̯/, attr. haseya N. ahasey [.]

done, finished

hato n.pl. /ha.to/

Short plural of kato. rhythm

hawl v. /ˈhau̯l/, infix h••awl [.]

prepare, get ready
tìhawl n. /tɪ.ˈhau̯l/, pl. sìhawl [.] preparations, plan
tìhawnuwll n. /tɪ.ˈhau̯.nu.wl̩/, pl. sìhawnuwll [FE] spartan plant (ʼewll plant)

hawnu v. /ˈhau̯.nu/, infix h•awn•u [.]

protect, shelter
tìhawnu n. /tɪ.ˈhau̯.nu/ [.] protection
tìhawnu si v. /tɪ.ˈhau̯.nu.ˈsi/, infix tìhawnu s••i [FE] protect

hawng (hawg) n. /ˈhau̯ŋ/ [.]

lehawng (lehawg) adj. /lɛ.ˈhau̯ŋ/, attr. lehawnga N. lehawng [.] excessive
nìhawng (nìhawg) adv. /nɪ.ˈhau̯ŋ/ [.] too, excessively

häpxì n. /hæ.ˈpʼɪ/

Short plural of käpxì. back

helku n.pl. /hɛl.ku/

Short plural of kelku. home

hem n.pl. /ˈhɛm/

Short plural of kem. action
tsahem (cahem) pn.pl. /ˈtsa.hɛm, tsa.ˈhɛm/ Short plural of tsakem. that (action)
hemlìʼu n.pl. /ˈhɛm.lɪ.ʔu/ Short plural of kemlìʼu. verb

hetuwong n.pl. /hɛ.tu.woŋ/

Short plural of ketuwong. alien

hewne adj. /ˈhɛu̯.nɛ/, attr. hewnea N. ahewne [.]

soft (of an object)

hey n.pl. /ˈhɛi̯/

Short plural of key. face

heyn v. /ˈhɛi̯n/, infix h••eyn [F]


hifkey n.pl. /hi.fkɛi̯/

Short plural of kifkey. world

hilvan n.pl. /hil.van/

Short plural of kilvan. river

hinam n.pl. /hi.ˈnam/

Short plural of kinam. leg
hinamtil n.pl. /hi.ˈnam.til/ Short plural of kinamtil. knee

hiyìk adj. /ˈhi.jɪk/, attr. hiyìka N. ahiyìk [.]

odd, strange

hìʼi adj. /ˈhɪ.ʔi/, attr. hìʼia N. ahìʼi [.]

small (in size), little
hìʼang n. /ˈhɪ.ʔaŋ/ [.] bug (ioang. animal)
hìkrr n. /ˈhɪ.kr̩/ [.] a very short time, a second
hìrumwll n. /hɪ.ˈɾum.wl̩/ [FE] puffer plant (rum ball)

hìm adj. /ˈhɪm/, attr. hìma N. ahìm [.]

small (in quantity), a little
hìmtxan n. /hɪm.ˈtʼan/ [.] amount
hìmtxampe adv. /hɪm.ˈtʼam.pɛ/ [.] how much?
pìmtxan adv. /pɪm.ˈtʼan/ [.] how much?

hìng (hìg) n.pl. /ˈhɪŋ/

Short plural of kìng. thread

hllpa n.pl. /ˈhl̩.pa/

Short plural of kllpa. bottom

hllpxiwll n.pl. /hl̩.ˈpʼi.wl̩/

Short plural of kllpxiwll. lionberry

hllpxìltu n.pl. /hl̩.ˈpʼɪl.tu/

Short plural of kllpxìltu. territory

hlltseng (hllceg) n.pl. /ˈhl̩.tsɛŋ/

Short plural of klltseng. position

hol adj. /ˈhol/, attr. hola N. ahol [.]

holpxay n. /hol.ˈpʼai̯/ [.] number (pxay many)
holpxaype adv. /hol.ˈpʼai̯.pɛ/ [.] how many?
polpxay adv. /pol.ˈpʼai̯/ [.] how many?

horen n.pl. /ho.ˈɾɛn/

Short plural of koren. rule

hrr n.pl. /ˈhr̩/

Short plural of krr. time

hrrap n. /ˈhr̩.ap/ [.]

lehrrap adj. /lɛ.ˈhr̩.ap/, attr. lehrrapa N. lehrrap, alehrrap [.] dangerous

huadp. /hu/ [.]

with (accompaniment)
ngahu pn. /ˈŋa.hu/ with you
oehu pn. /ˈwɛ.hu/ with me

hufwa conj. /hu.ˈfwa/ [.]


hufwe n. /hu.ˈfwɛ/ [.]


hum v. /ˈhum/, infix h••um [.]

leave, depart

hunsìp n.pl. /hun.sɪp/

Short plural of kunsìp. gunship

kaadp. /ka/ [.]


ka n.pl. /ˈka/

Short plural of kxa. mouth

kakrel adj. /kak.ˈɾɛl/, attr. kakrela N. akakrel [.]

blind (rel image)

kalin adj. /ka.ˈlin/, attr. kalina N. akalin [.]


kaltxì! intj. /kal.ˈtʼɪ/ [.]


kam n.pl. /ˈkam/

Short plural of kxam. midpoint
kamtseng (kamceg) n.pl. /ˈkam.tsɛŋ/ Short plural of kxamtseng. center

kame v.tr. /ˈka.mɛ/, infix k•am•e [.]

See into and understand, grok
kìyevame /kɪ.jɛ.ˈva.mɛ/ [.] good-bye, see you again soon

Kamun n. /ˈka.mun/ [FE]

(male name)

kan v. /ˈkan/, infix k••an [.]

tìkan n. /tɪ.ˈkan/, pl. sìkan [.] target, aim, goal, purpose
kangkem /ˈkaŋ.kɛm/ ? (directed kem action)
tìkangkem n. /tɪ.ˈkaŋ.kɛm/ [.] work
tìkangkem si v. /tɪ.ˈkaŋ.kɛm si/, infix tìkangkem s••i [.] work

kanu adj. /ˈka.nu/, attr. kanua N. akanu [.]

smart, intelligent (of a person)
nìkanu adv. /nɪ.ˈka.nu/ [.] intelligently
tìkanu n. /tɪ.ˈka.nu/ [.] intelligence

kangay (kagay) adj. /ka.ˈŋai̯/, attr. kangaya N. akangay [.]

valid (? kan aim, ngay true)

kar v. /ˈkaɾ/, infix k••ar [.]

karyu n. /ˈkaɾ.ju/, pl. haryu [.] teacher

kato n. /ˈka.to/, pl. hato [.]


kavuk n. /ka.ˈvuk/ [.]

kavuk si v.dat. /ka.ˈvuk.si/, infix kavuk s••i [.] betray

kawpref. /ˈkau̯/

(prefix "none", from ke not + ʼaw one; these words require an additional ke 'not' on the verb)
kawʼit adv. /kau̯.ˈʔit/ [.] not a bit, not at all (ʼit a bit)
kawkrr adv. /ˈkau̯.kr̩/ [.] never (krr time)
kawtu pn. /ˈkau̯.tu/ [.] no-one (tute person)

kawng (kawg) adj. /ˈkau̯ŋ/, attr. kawnga N. akawng [.]

bad, evil
tìkawng (tìkawg) n. /tɪ.ˈkau̯ŋ/ [.] evil

kaylte n.pl. /ˈkai̯l.tɛ/

Short plural of kxaylte. cillaphant

v. /ˈkæ/, infix k••ä [.]

käʼärìp v.tr. /kæ.ˈʔæ.ɾɪp/, infix käʼ•är•ìp [.] push (ʼärìp move)
kämakto v. /kæ.ˈmak.to/, infix käm•akt•o [.] to ride out (makto ride)
käpxì n. /kæ.ˈpʼɪ/, pl. häpxì [.] rear (rear part or section; go) [plural?]
käsatseng (käsaceg) adv. /kæ.ˈsa.tsɛŋ/ [.] out there (tsatseng there)

ke adv. /kɛ/ [.]

ke adj. /ˈkɛ/, attr. kea N. ake [.] no
kepref. /ˈkɛ/ un-
fuke conj. /fu.ˈkɛ/ [FE] or not
keʼaw adj. /kɛ.ˈʔau̯/, attr. keʼawa N. akeʼaw [FE] divided
kawpref. /ˈkau̯/ [.] no- (see kaw-)
keʼu pn. /ˈkɛ.ʔu/ [.] nothing, none
keʼu adv. /ˈkɛ.ʔu/ [.] nothing at all, not at all
kehe part. /ˈkɛ.hɛ/ [.] no
keftxo adj. /kɛ.ˈftʼo/, attr. keftxoa N. akeftxo [.] unhappy, upset; poor thing! how sad!
nìkeftxo adv. /nɪ.kɛ.ˈftʼo/ [.] unfortunately, sadly
kefyak, kefya srak part. /kɛ.ˈfjak, kɛ.ˈfja.sɾak/ [.] right? isn't it? isn't that so? (short for ke fìfya srak?)
kelfpomtokx adj. /kɛl.ˈfpom.tokʼ/, attr. kelfpomtokxa N. akelfpomtokx [.] unhealthy (lefpomtokx healthy)
keltsun (kelcun) adj. /kɛl.ˈtsun/, attr. keltsuna N. akeltsun [.] impossible (letsunslu possible)
kerusey adj. /ˈkɛ.ɾu.sɛi̯/, attr. keruseya N. akerusey [.] dead (rusey alive)
keteng (keteg) adj. /ˈkɛ.tɛŋ/, attr. ketenga N. aketeng [.] different (teng same)
tìketeng (tìketeg) n. /tɪ.ˈkɛ.tɛŋ/, pl. sìketeng [.] difference
keyawr adj. /kɛ.ˈjau̯ɾ/, attr. keyawra N. akeyawr [.] wrong, incorrect
keyeʼung (keyeʼug) n. /kɛ.ˈjɛ.ʔuŋ/ [.] insanity
lekyeʼung (lekyeʼug) adj. /lɛk.ˈjɛ.ʔuŋ/, attr. lekyeʼunga N. lekyeʼung [.] insane, crazy
kxuke adj. /ˈkʼu.kɛ/, attr. kxukea N. akxuke [.] safe, harmless
lukeadp. /ˈlu.kɛ/ [.] without (lu be with)

kelku n. /ˈkɛl.ku/, pl. helku [.]

home, house
kelku si v. /ˈkɛl.ku.si/, infix kelku s••i [.] dwell, live
Kelutral n. /ˈkɛl.ut.ɾal/ [?] Hometree (tree for living in)

kem n. /ˈkɛm/, pl. hem [.]

action, deed
kemlìʼu n. /ˈkɛm.lɪ.ʔu/, pl. hemlìʼu [.] verb
kempe adv. /ˈkɛm.pɛ/ [.] what? (which action?) (= pehem)
Kempe si nga? /ˈkɛm.pɛ si ˈŋa/ What are you doing?
fìkem pn. /fɪ.ˈkɛm/ [.] this (action)
pehem adv. /pɛ.ˈhɛm/ [.] what? (which action?) (= kempe)
tsakem (cakem) pn. /ˈtsa.kɛm, tsa.ˈkɛm/, pl. tsayhem, tsahem [.] that (action)

? kener n.pl. /ˈkɛ.nɛɾ/

Short plural of kxener. smoke

kenong (kenog) v. /ˈkɛ.noŋ/, infix k•en•ong [.]

model, represent, exemplify (? ke not nong go after)
tìkenong (tìkenog) n. /tɪ.ˈkɛ.noŋ/, pl. sìkenong [.] example

keng (keg) adv. /ˈkɛŋ/ [F]

ke keng ʼawlo [F] not even once

kerusey adj. /ˈkɛ.ɾu.sɛi̯/, attr. keruseya N. akerusey

dead (rusey alive)

kewong (kewog) adj. /ˈkɛ.woŋ/, attr. kewonga N. akewong [.]

alien [root = ?]
ketuwong (ketuwog) n. /ˈkɛ.tu.woŋ/, pl. hetuwong [.] an alien
ketuwongo (ketuwogo) n. /ˈkɛ.tu.wo.ŋo/ [FE] some alien

ketse (kece) n.pl. /ˈkɛ.tsɛ/

Short plural of kxetse. tail

key n. /ˈkɛi̯/, pl. hey [.]


keyeʼung (keyeʼug) n. /kɛ.ˈjɛ.ʔuŋ/ [.]

insanity [root = ?]
lekyeʼung (lekyeʼug) adj. /lɛk.ˈjɛ.ʔuŋ/, attr. lekyeʼunga N. lekyeʼung [.] insane, crazy

keyey n.pl. /ˈkɛ.jɛi̯/

Short plural of kxeyey. error

kifkey n. /ki.ˈfkɛi̯/, pl. hifkey [.]

the physical world
tìftia kifkeyä n. /tɪ.fti.ˈa ki.ˈfkɛ.jæ/ [FE] science (lit. "the study of the physical world") [not a Naʼvi concept]

kilvan n. /kil.ˈvan/, pl. hilvan [.]


kin v. /ˈkin/, infix k••in [.]

to need
lekin adj. /lɛ.ˈkin/, attr. lekina N. lekin [.] necessary
tìkin n. /tɪ.ˈkin/, pl. sìkin [.] a need

kinä num. /ˈki.næ/, attr. kinäa N. akinä [.]

kive num. /ˈki.vɛ/, attr. kivea N. akive [.] seventh
trrkive n, adv. /tr̩.ˈki.vɛ/ [.] Saturday
vohin num. /vo.ˈhin/, attr. vohina N. avohin [.] fifteen (octal 17)
kivol num. /ˈki.vol/, attr. kivola N. akivol [.] fifty-six (octal 70)
kizam num. /ˈki.zam/, attr. kizama N. akizam four-hundred forty-eight (octal 700)

kinam n. /ki.ˈnam/, du. mehinam, pl. hinam [.]

kinamtil n. /ki.ˈnam.til/, du. mehinamtil, pl. hinamtil [.] knee

kipadp. /kip/ [.]

fkipadp. /ˈfkip/ [.] up among ( up)
? −nekipadp. /nɛ.kip/ into (among; ne from)
? −nefkipadp. /nɛ.fkip/ up among (direction)
takipadp. /ta.ˈkip/ [.] from among (ta from)
tafkipadp. /ta.ˈfkip/ [.] from up among

kìʼong (kìʼog) adj. /kɪ.ˈʔoŋ/, attr. kìʼonga N. akìʼong [.]

nìkʼong (nìkʼog) adv. /nɪk.ˈʔoŋ/ [.] slowly

kìm v. /ˈkɪm/, infix k••ìm [.]


kìng (kìg) n. /ˈkɪŋ/, pl. hìng [.]


kìteʼe n. /kɪ.tɛ.ˈʔɛ/ [.]

kìteʼe si v. /kɪ.tɛ.ˈʔɛ.si/, infix kìteʼe s••i [?] serve

kìyevame v.sjv. /kɪ.jɛ.ˈva.mɛ/ [.]

future subjunctive of kame. Goodbye, See you soon

kll n.pl. /ˈkl̩/

Short plural of kxll. charge

kll n. /ˈkl̩/ [F]

kllfroʼ v. /kl̩.ˈfɾoʔ/, infix kllfr••oʼ [.] be responsible, have responsibility (for someone or something)
kllkä v. /kl̩.ˈkæ/, infix kllk••ä [.] go down, descend
kllkulat v. /kl̩.ˈku.lat/, infix kllk•ul•at [.] dig up
kllkxem v. /kl̩.ˈkʼɛm/, infix kllkx••em [.] stand
kllpa n. /ˈkl̩.pa/, pl. hllpa [.] bottom
kllpxiwll n. /kl̩.ˈpʼi.wl̩/, pl. hllpxiwll [FE] lionberry plant (pxi sharp)
kllpxìltu n. /kl̩.ˈpʼɪl.tu/, pl. hllpxìltu [.] territory
kllte n. /ˈkl̩.tɛ/ [.] the ground
ne kllte /nɛ.ˈkl̩.tɛ/ [.] down! to the ground!
klltseng (kllceg) n. /ˈkl̩.tsɛŋ/, pl. hlltseng [.] position
nekll adv. /nɛ.ˈkl̩/ [.] down

ko part. /ko/ [.]

let's, etc. (particle for eliciting agreement)

koak adj. /ˈko.ak/, attr. koaka N. akoak [.]

old (of living beings), aged

kop adv. /ˈkop/ [.]

also, too, as well

koren n. /ko.ˈɾɛn/, pl. horen [.]


krr n. /ˈkr̩/, pl. hrr [.]

txana krr [FE] "a long time"
yola krr [FE] "a short time"
tìʼiʼavay krrä /tɪ.ˈʔiʔ.a.vai̯ ˈkr̩.æ/ [FE] "until the end of time", forever
a krr, krr a conj. /a.ˈkr̩, ˈkr̩.a/ [FE] when
frakrr n, adv. /ˈfɾa.kr̩/ [.] always, all the time
ftawnemkrr n. /ftau̯.ˈnɛm.kr̩/ [.] the past (ftem pass by)
kawkrr n, adv. /ˈkau̯.kr̩/ [.] never (krr time)
krrnekx v. /kr̩.ˈnɛkʼ/, infix krrn••ekx [.] take time (nekx consume)
krrpe n, adv. /ˈkr̩.pɛ/ [.] when? (= pehrr)
mawkrr adv. /ˈmau̯.kr̩/ [.] afterwards, after (maw after)
nulkrr adv. /nul.ˈkr̩/ [.] longer (time) (nìʼul more)
pehrr n, adv. /pɛ.ˈhr̩/ [.] when? (= krrpe)
sekrr n. /ˈsɛ.kr̩/ [.] present (set now)
sngäʼikrr (sgäʼikrr) n. /ˈsŋæ.ʔi.kr̩/ [.] beginning (time)
srekrr adv. /ˈsɾɛ.kr̩/ [.] beforehand, ahead of time (sre before)
tengkrr (tegkrr) conj. /tɛŋ.ˈkr̩/ [.] while, at the same time as
tsakrr (cakrr) n, adv. /tsa.ˈkr̩/ [.] then, at that time
tsakrrvay (cakrrvay) adv. /tsa.ˈkr̩.vai̯/ [.] until then, in the meantime
vaykrr conj. /vai̯.ˈkr̩/ [.] until

kunsìp n. /ˈkun.sɪp/, pl. hunsìp [.]

gunship (from English)

kurakx v. /ku.ˈɾakʼ/, infix k•ur•akx [.]

drive out

kutu n.pl. /ˈku.tu/

Short plural of kxutu. enemy

kxa n. /ˈkʼa/, pl. ka [.]


kxam n. /ˈkʼam/, pl. kam [.]

midpoint, the middle
kxamläadp. /ˈkʼam.læ/ [.] through (via the middle; ìlä by, via)
kxamtseng (kxamceg) n. /ˈkʼam.tsɛŋ/, pl. kamtseng [.] center (tseng place)
mìkamadp. /mɪ.ˈkam/ [.] between, among, in the middle ( in)

kxangangang (kxagagag) mim. /ˈkʼaŋ.aŋ.aŋ/ [.]


kxanì adj. /ˈkʼa.nɪ/, attr. kxanìa N. akxanì [.]


kxawm adv. /ˈkʼau̯m/ [.]

perhaps, maybe

kxayl adj. /ˈkʼai̯l/, attr. kxayla N. akxayl [.]

kxaylte n. /ˈkʼai̯l.tɛ/, pl. kaylte [FE] cillaphant (sp. plant)

kxener n. /ˈkʼɛ.nɛɾ/, pl. kener? [.]

smoke [count noun?]

kxetse (kxece) n. /ˈkʼɛ.tsɛ/, pl. ketse [.]

ngeyä kxetse lu oeru /ˈŋɛ.jæ.ˈkʼɛ.tsɛ.lu.ˈwɛ.ɾu/ [F] "you're going down!"

kxeyey n. /ˈkʼɛ.jɛi̯/, pl. keyey [.]

mistake, error
kxeyey si v. /ˈkʼɛ.jɛi̯.si/, infix kxeyey s••i [FE] make a mistake
tìkxey n. /tɪ.ˈkʼɛi̯/ [.] incorrectness
ngaru tìkxey /ˈŋa.ɾu.tɪ.ˈkʼɛi̯/ [.] You're wrong.
tìkxey si v. /tɪ.ˈkʼɛi̯.si/, infix tìkxey s••i [.] mess up, foul, do wrong

kxitx n. /ˈkʼitʼ/ [.]

an individual's death [count?]. (See terkup.)

kxll n. /ˈkʼl̩/, pl. kll [.]

charge (of an animal)
kxll si v. /ˈkʼl̩.si/, infix kxll s••i [F] charge, make a charge

kxu n. /ˈkʼu/ [.]

kxuke adj. /ˈkʼu.kɛ/, attr. kxukea N. akxuke [.] safe, harmless
kxutu n. /ˈkʼu.tu/, pl. kutu [.] enemy