Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)/cover

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The back cover

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A beginners book for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), describing common bioinformatics pipelines and how to run them. This book is for anyone who has the pleasure and pain to work with NGS data day-to-day.

  • "Amazing!" - Some Git.

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), also known as High Throughput Sequencing (HTS), is a very important thing. Links to information. This book is for you to master it.

Table of contents

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  1. How to read this book
    Information on how to navigate the information in the book.
  2. Background knowledge
    1. The Biology of NGS
    2. Informatics
  3. Principles of the field
  4. Common workflow steps
  5. Common NGS applications
    1. De novo Genome Assembly (Method)
      e.g. I have 60x coverage of my genome with some various paired end data...
    2. Transcriptomics
      e.g. I have RNA-Seq data from three tissues...
    3. Genotyping by sequencing
    4. Exome-capture
      e.g. Something here...
    5. Chromatin conformation capture

About this book

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This book is a collaborative effort created by many Authors. For more details...

Information from authors

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