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Nintendo Wars/Battalion Wars

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Unit list

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Western Frontier

  • Rifle
    • Weapon: M17 Rifle (Balanced and Accurate at Long-Ranges)
  • Assaulter
    • Weapon: M70 Machine Gun (Stronger and effective against Light Armor but less accurate beyond Medium-Range. Rate of Fire increased but will jam if overcharged)
  • Mortar
    • Weapon: Grenade Launcher (Damage and Explosion Radius increased but may explode if charged for too long)
  • Flamer
    • Weapon: High-Pressure Flamethrower (Range increased but will overheat)
  • Bazooka
    • Weapon: Anti-Tank Bazooka (Power and Velocity increased when fully charged)
  • Missile
    • Weapon: Silverfish Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher (Fires 4 Missiles when fully charged)

Tundran Territories

  • Rifle
    • Weapon: Assault Rifle (AK-47)
  • Assaulter
    • Weapon: Machine Gun (Modified AK Rifle)
  • Flamer
    • Weapon: High-Pressure Flamethrower
  • Bazooka
    • Weapon: RPG
  • Missile
    • Weapon: 3-Cell Man-Portable Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher (Fully charged, it fires 3 Missiles)

Solar Empire

  • Rifle
    • Weapon: Laser Rifle
  • Assaulter
    • Weapon: Auto-Blaster (The Shots always travel in a straight line rather than spreading out)
  • Plasma
    • Weapon: Plasma Projector


  • Rifle
    • Weapon: Machine Gun (MP40 SMG)
  • Minigun
    • Weapon: Minigun (though it looks more like the MG08, the German-Produced Version of the Maxim machine gun)
  • Grenade
    • Weapon: Grenade Launcher
  • Acid Gasser
    • Weapon: Chemical Spray Gun
  • Rocket
    • Weapon: Rocket Launcher (Panzerfaust)
  • Ack-Ack
    • Weapon: Missile Launcher


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  • Light Recon (Western Frontier Army: MX-500 Dervish)
    • Weapon: Heavy Machine Gun (Can be specially modified to mount an additional Light Machine Gun)
  • Heavy Recon (Western Frontier Army: Humbug)
    • Weapons: Heavy Machine Gun x2
  • Light Tank (Western Frontier Army: Herman Mk5)
    • Weapons: 100mm Cannon, Heavy Machine Gun
  • Heavy Tank (Western Frontier Army: M1A5 Battle Tank "Herminator")
    • Weapons: 100mm Cannon x2, Heavy Machine Gun x2
  • AA Vehicle (Western Frontier Army: Prometheus AIM-9RR)
    • Weapons: IS-III Silverfish Anti-Aircraft Missiles, Heavy Machine Gun
  • Artillery (Western Frontier Army: Preacher PK-772)
    • Weapons: 88mm Low-Recoil Cannon, Heavy Machine gun
  • Battlestation (Western Frontier Army: AJAX T-500)
    • Weapons: Twin-Barrel Battle Cannons, Anti-Vehicle Turret x2, Heavy Machine Gun x3


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  • Gunship (Western Frontier Army: Duey AH-86)
    • Weapons: AMG-115 Heckfire Anti-Tank Missiles, Heavy Machine Gun x2
  • Fighter (Western Frontier Army: F-19 Poltergeist)
    • Weapons: Silverfish Air-to-Air Missiles, Anti-Air Turret
  • Bomber (Western Frontier Army: Valentine B-58)
    • Weapons: Bombs, Anti-Air Turret x2
  • Strato Destroyer (Western Frontier Army: B-5000)
    • Weapons: Silverfish Air-to-Air Missiles, Bombs, Anti-Air Turret x4
  • Transport Copter (Western Frontier Army: C-Type Samson)
    • Weapons: Heavy Machine Gun x2

Defense structures

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  • Machine Gun Nest
A simple defense structure composed of sandbags. With no limit in traverse, It can fire in any direction.
  • Machine Gun Bunker
More solid than the MG Nest, the MG Bunker is hard to destroy without explosive weaponry. It's only disadvantage is the limited firing field of 160 Degrees.
  • Gun Tower
Another defense structure that uses Height Advantage against Infantry. Has a blind spot in its roots.very weak against artillery and close bazooka vets.
  • Xylvanian Pillbox
Equipped with an Anti-Tank Gun and 2 Heavy Machine Guns to protect its side flanks.