Nomenclatural Citations/Impatiens/psittacina
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Wikispecies has information related to: Impatiens psittacina |
Nomenclatural Citations: Taxon overview
Impatiens psittacina is a species of Plantae.
Authors: | Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 1901 |
Published in: | Curtis's Botanical Magazine 127 Tab: 7809 |
Reference: | Curtis's Botanical Magazine |
Original description (Latin)
[edit | edit source]Impatiens (Uniflorae) psittacina: annua, erecta, foliosa, ramulis teretibus coloratis, foliis alternia breviter petiolatis ovatia argute serrulatis, dentibus eglandulosis, basi rotundatis subtus ad insertionem petioli glandulis 2 clavellatia erectis instructis, petiolo basi eglanduloso, fleribus axillaribus solitariia 2 poll. longis pallide lilacinis roseo et karmesino pictis, pedicello pollicari decurvo basi v. supra basin bracteolis 1 v. 2 minutis subulatis instructo, sepalis 2 berbaceis oblongo-rotundatia, vexillo orbicularia 2/3 poll. lato emarginato coucavo ecostato pallide roseo, alis 1 1/2 poll. longis lobo basilari rotundato concavo erecto terminali paullo longiore recurvo oblique oblongo apice robundato roseo fasciato, labello amplo incurvo conico-campanulato albo dorso kermesino basi in calcar breve uncivate-incurvrim kermesinum abrupte constricto, filamentis elongatis gracilibus decurvis antheris brevibus, ovario elongato
Translation (English), by Hooker
[edit | edit source]Descr. -An erect, much-branched, leafy herb. Stem and branches rather stout, terete, coloured. Leaves two to three inches long, ovate, acuminate, serrulate, base rounded, with two clavate, erect glands on the surface at the point of attachment of the petiole which is eglandular. Flowers axillary, solitary, two inches long, pendulous from an arching peduncle an inch long, which bears one or two minute setaceous bracteoles, near, or above the base. Sepals two, orbicular-oblong; obtuse, green. Standard orbicular, concave, pale rose-coloured, two-thirds of an inch broad. Wings one and a half inches long; basal lobe orbicular, concave, erect; terminal longer, obliquely oblong, recurved, suffused and streaked with red. Lip as long as the wings, conico-campanulate, incurved, narrowed at the base into a short, hooked spur, white with an irregular dash of bright carmine on the convex surface towards the base; mouth large, with an obtuse apex.