Novial/Tutorial Group
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[edit | edit source]If you wish to ask questions about Novial grammar and usage you may do so here. You may also leave homework for marking here. Quick turnaround is likely but please allow a few days for response.
Cameron Nedland, Lesson 1
[edit | edit source]Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives (1) Complete the following sentences by translating the English word in brackets.
- 1. (You) interesa me multim, sinioro Watson. Vu
- 2. E (you), doktoro Watson e siniore Holmes, interesa me. Vus
- 3. ( I ) sava vusen seriosi e exterordinari probleme. Me
- 4. (We) non fuma ma bonvoli sida e fuma. Nus
- 5. (She) observa (my) bon amike. La, men
- 6. Ob (he) renkontra les disdi? Lo
- 7. Yes, (they) visita (his) bon amike, doktoro Mortimer. Les, lon
Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives (2) Complete the following sentences by translating the English word in brackets.
- 1. Li hunde interesa nus: (it) nur sida e observa. Lu
- 2. Li familie have problemes: (they, the problems) interesa sinioro Holmes. Lus
- 3. (Their, male only) laboro sembla bon a me. Lon
- 4. (They, female only) have autoritate in Europa. Las
- 5. (Her) familie prefera non fuma. Lan
- 6. Holmes e Watson, pro quu (your) problemes interesa me? Vun
- 7. Ob vus sava ke lus es (my) problemes? Men
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Cameron Nedland
[edit | edit source]- A. In the following sentences change the present tense into the past preterite (simple past) and translate the English in brackets into Novial.
- 1. Li doktore tira li papere ek (his or her) poshe. (But not the doctor’s pocket.) Li doktore did tira li papere ek len poshe.
- 2. La dona li hunda a (her own) amikes. La did dona li hunda a sen amikes.
- 3. Li oldi homo mori in (their) chambre. Li oldi homo did mori in lesen chambre.
- 4. Me envada (her) chambre. Me did envada lan chambre.
- 5. Lo prisenta li fraudo a (my) amike. Lo did prisenta li fraudo a men amike.
- 6. La parla ofte pri (our) malediktione. La did parla ofte pri nusen malediktione.
- 7. Les pove ama nur (their own) filies. Les did pove ama nur sen filies.
- 8. Li experte data (his) manuskrite. (Not the expert’s manuscript.) Li experte did data lon manuskrite.
- 9. Las trakta me kom (their) amike. Las did trakta me kom sen amike.
- 10. Nus non es expertes ma sava (our) dokumentes. Nus non did ese expertes ma did sava nusen dokumentes.
- 11. Vus have laboro nur por (yourselves). Vus did have laboro nur por vus.
- 12. Vu renkontra li bon doktore in (his) chambre. Vu did renkontra li bon doktore in lon chambre.
- 13. Los non sava (themselves). Los non did sava sen.
- 14. Les observa (their own) chambres. Les did observa sen chambres.
- 15. Les ofense non li altres, ma (their own) familie. Les did ofense non li altres, ma sen familie.
- B. Use endings and affixes to convert the following Novial root words to the English words indicated.
- amike – female friend Amika
- praktikal – practicality Praktikaleso
- siniore – lady Siniora
- disi – this man Diso
- exakti – exactness, exactitude Exakteso
inteligenti – intelligence Ineligenteso
- nome – nominal Nomal
- experte – expertise Experteso
- mali – evil Maleso
- pluri – plurality Plureso
- ti – that woman Ta