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Numerical Methods Qualification Exam Problems and Solutions (University of Maryland)/Jan08 667

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Problem 4

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Consider the system


Problem 4a

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Show that if the parameter is chosen sufficiently small, then this system has a unique solution within some rectangular region.

Solution 4a

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The system of equations may be expressed in matrix notation.

The Jacobian of , , is computed using partial derivatives

If is sufficiently small and are restricted to a bounded region ,

From the mean value theorem, for , there exists such that

Since is bounded in the region give sufficiently small

Therefore, is a contraction and from the contraction mapping theorem there exists a unique fixed point (solution) in a rectangular region.

Problem 4b

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Derive a fixed point iteration scheme for solving the system and show that it converges.

Solution 4b

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Use Newton Method

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To solve this problem, we can use the Newton Method. In fact, we want to find the zeros of

The Jacobian of , , is computed using partial derivatives

Then, the Newton method for solving this linear system of equations is given by

Show convergence by showing Newton hypothesis hold

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Jacobian of g is Lipschitz

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We want to show that is a Lipschitz function. In fact,

and now, using that is Lipschitz, we have

Jacobian of g is invertible

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Since is a contraction, the spectral radius of the Jacobian of is less than 1 i.e.


On the other hand, we know that the eigenvalues of are .

Then, it follows that or equivalently is invertible.

inverse of Jacobian of g is bounded

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Since exists, . Given a bounded region (bounded ), each entry of the above matrix is bounded. Therefore the norm is bounded.

norm of (Jacobian of g)^-1 (x_0) * g(x_0) bounded

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since and is bounded.

Then, using a good enough approximation , we have that the Newton's method is at least quadratically convergent, i.e,

Problem 5a

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Outline the derivation of the Adams-Bashforth methods for the numerical solution of the initial value problem .

Solution 5a

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We want to solve the following initial value problem: .

First, we integrate this expression over , to obtain


To approximate the integral on the right hand side, we approximate its integrand using an appropriate interpolation polynomial of degree at .

This idea generates the Adams-Bashforth methods.


where, denotes the approximated solution, and denotes the associated Lagrange polynomial.

Problem 5b

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Derive the Adams-Bashforth formula

Solution 5b

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From (a) we have


Then if we let , where h is the fixed step size we get

So we have the Adams-Bashforth method as desired

Problem 5c

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Analyze the method (1). To be specific, find the local truncation error, prove convergence and find the order of convergence.

Solution 5c

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Find Local Truncation Error Using Taylor Expansion

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Note that . Also, denote the uniform step size as h. Hence,

Therefore, the given equation may be written as

Expand Left Hand Side

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Expanding about , we get

Expand Right Hand side

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Also expanding about gives

Show Convergence by Showing Stability and Consistency

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A method is convergent if and only if it is both stable and consistent.


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It is easy to show that the method is zero stable as it satisfies the root condition. So stable.


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Truncation error is of order 2. Truncation error tends to zero as h tends to zeros. So the method is consistent.

Order of Convergence

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Dahlquist principle: consistency + stability = convergent. Order of convergence will be 2.

Problem 6

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Consider the problem

Problem 6a

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Give a variational formulation of (2), i.e. express (2) as

Define the Space H, the bilinear form B and the linear functional F, and state the relation between (2) and (3).

Solution 6a

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Multiplying (2) by a test function and using integration by parts we obtain:

Thus, the weak form or variational form associated with the problem (2) reads as follows: Find such that

for all

where .

Problem 6b

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Let be a mesh on with , and let


Define the finite element approximation, based on the approximation space . What can be said about the error on the Sobolev norm on ?

Solution 6b

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Define piecewise linear basis

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For our basis of , we use the set of hat functions , i.e., for

Define u_h

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Since is a basis for , and we have


Discrete Problem

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Now, we can write the discrete problem: Find such that

for all

If we consider that is a basis of and the linearity of the bilinear form and the functional , we obtain the equivalent problem:

Find such that

This last problem can be formulated as a matrix problem as follows:

Find such that

where and .

Bound error

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In general terms, we can use Cea's Lemma to obtain

In particular, we can consider as the Lagrange interpolant, which we denote by . Then,


It's easy to prove that the finite element solution is nodally exact. Then it coincides with the Lagrange interpolant, and we have the following punctual estimation:

Problem 6c

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Derive the estimate for , the error in . Hint: Let w solve

(#) :

We characterize variationally as


Let to get

Use formula (4) to estimate .

Solution 6c

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Continuity of Bilinear Form

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Orthogonality of the Error

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Bound for L2 norm of w

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Bound for L2 norm of w

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From , we have


Bound L2 Error

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Finally, from (#), we have that . Then,


or equivalently,


Problem 6d

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Suppose is a basis for . Show that

where is the stiffness matrix.

Solution 6d

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We know that

where the substitution in the last lines come from the orthogonality of error.


Then, we have obtained