(* ETH Oberon, Copyright 2001 ETH Zuerich Institut fuer Computersysteme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zuerich.
Refer to the "General ETH Oberon System Source License" contract available at: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/ *)
MODULE Sort IN Oberon; (** portable *) (*SHML 13.11.91 / mf 13.10.94 / tk adapted for System3 1.6.95*)
- IMPORT Oberon, Texts, Objects, Gadgets, TextGadgets, Desktops, Documents,
- TextFrames, Viewers, MenuViewers;
- TextFrames, Viewers, MenuViewers;
- CONST NofLines = 4000;
- suffix = ".Srt";
- Menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow ET.Move ET.Search ET.Replace ET.StoreAscii ";
- suffix = ".Srt";
- Integer = LONGINT; (* LONGINT in S3 context, INTEGER in V5 context. *)
- String = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
- Array = POINTER TO ARRAY NofLines OF String;
- Integer = LONGINT; (* LONGINT in S3 context, INTEGER in V5 context. *)
- VAR W: Texts.Writer;
- suffixArray: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
- suffixArray: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
- (* Add suffix to name without overrunning the new array. *)
- PROCEDURE AddSuffix(VAR name, suffix, new: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- VAR i, si: Integer;
- VAR i, si: Integer;
- (* Locate upper bound of the first character of suffix. *)
- i := 0; si := LEN(new) - 1;
- WHILE (suffix[i] # 0X) & (0 < si) DO INC(i); DEC(si) END;
- IF suffix[i] # 0X THEN
- Texts.WriteString(W, "Long suffix truncated to fit in new array."); Texts.WriteLn(W);
- Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
- Texts.WriteString(W, "Long suffix truncated to fit in new array."); Texts.WriteLn(W);
- END;
- (* Retain or copy as much of the original name as suffix allows. *)
- i := 0; IF name = new THEN
- WHILE (i < si) & (name[i] # 0X) DO INC(i) END
- WHILE (i < si) & (name[i] # 0X) DO INC(i) END
- WHILE (i < si) & (name[i] # 0X) DO new[i] := name[i]; INC(i) END
- WHILE (i < si) & (name[i] # 0X) DO new[i] := name[i]; INC(i) END
- END;
- IF name[i] # 0X THEN
- Texts.WriteString(W, "Name truncated to fit suffix."); Texts.WriteLn(W);
- Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
- Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
- Texts.WriteString(W, "Name truncated to fit suffix."); Texts.WriteLn(W);
- END;
- (* Add suffix. *)
- si := 0;
- WHILE (suffix[si] # 0X) & (i +1 < LEN(new)) DO
- new[i] := suffix[si]; INC(i); INC(si)
- new[i] := suffix[si]; INC(i); INC(si)
- END;
- new[i] := 0X
- (* Locate upper bound of the first character of suffix. *)
- END AddSuffix;
- PROCEDURE WriteMsg(n: (* LONGINT *) Integer; str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
- (* Write number n followed by str followed by a newline to the Log *)
- Texts.WriteInt(W, n, 0);
- IF n=1 THEN Texts.WriteString(W, " line ")
- ELSE Texts.WriteString(W, " lines ")
- END;
- Texts.WriteString(W, str); Texts.WriteLn(W); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, W.buf)
- Texts.WriteInt(W, n, 0);
- END WriteMsg;
- (* Sort n elements of array in ascending order, HeapSort *)
- PROCEDURE HSortArray(array: Array; n: (* INTEGER *) Integer);
- VAR left, right: (* INTEGER *) Integer; a: String;
- VAR left, right: (* INTEGER *) Integer; a: String;
- PROCEDURE Sift(left, right: (* INTEGER *) Integer);
- VAR i, j: (* INTEGER *) Integer; a: String;
- VAR i, j: (* INTEGER *) Integer; a: String;
- BEGIN i:=left; j:=2*left; a:=array[left];
- IF (j < right) & (array[j] < array[j+1]) THEN INC(j) END;
- WHILE (j <= right) & (a < array[j]) DO
- array[i]:=array[j]; i:=j; j:=2*j;
- IF (j < right) & (array[j] < array[j+1]) THEN INC(j) END
- array[i]:=array[j]; i:=j; j:=2*j;
- END;
- array[i]:=a
- IF (j < right) & (array[j] < array[j+1]) THEN INC(j) END;
- END Sift;
- PROCEDURE Sift(left, right: (* INTEGER *) Integer);
- BEGIN left:=n DIV 2+1; right:=n-1;
- WHILE left > 0 DO DEC(left); Sift(left, right) END;
- WHILE right > 0 DO
- a:=array[0]; array[0]:=array[right]; array[right]:=a;
- DEC(right); Sift(left, right)
- a:=array[0]; array[0]:=array[right]; array[right]:=a;
- WHILE left > 0 DO DEC(left); Sift(left, right) END;
- END HSortArray;
- PROCEDURE FillArray(array: Array; VAR n: (* INTEGER *) Integer; text: Texts.Text; emptyLines: BOOLEAN);
- (* Fill array with lines from text (including empty lines if requested); return number of lines in n *)
- VAR j: (* INTEGER *) Integer; len, pos: (* LONGINT *) Integer; R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; white: BOOLEAN;
- VAR j: (* INTEGER *) Integer; len, pos: (* LONGINT *) Integer; R: Texts.Reader; ch: CHAR; white: BOOLEAN;
- len:=text.len;
- (* IF len=0 THEN RETURN END; *)
- IF len#0 THEN
- Texts.OpenReader(R, text, len-1); Texts.Read(R, ch);
- IF ch # 0DX THEN Texts.Write(W, 0DX); Texts.Append(text, W.buf) END; (* terminate text with a CR *)
- Texts.OpenReader(R, text, 0);
- n:=0; pos:=0; len:=text.len;
- IF emptyLines THEN (* include empty lines *)
- REPEAT j:=0;
- REPEAT Texts.Read(R, ch); array[n, j]:=ch; INC(j) UNTIL ch=0DX;
- array[n, j]:=0X; INC(pos, (* LONG(j) *) j);
- INC(n)
- REPEAT Texts.Read(R, ch); array[n, j]:=ch; INC(j) UNTIL ch=0DX;
- UNTIL pos=len
- REPEAT j:=0;
- ELSE (* exclude empty lines *)
- REPEAT j:=0; white:=TRUE;
- REPEAT Texts.Read(R, ch);
- IF white & (ch > " ") THEN white:=FALSE END;
- array[n, j]:=ch; INC(j)
- IF white & (ch > " ") THEN white:=FALSE END;
- UNTIL ch=0DX;
- array[n, j]:=0X; INC(pos, (* LONG(j) *) j);
- IF ~white THEN INC(n) END (* keep line if not only white-space *)
- REPEAT Texts.Read(R, ch);
- UNTIL pos=len
- REPEAT j:=0; white:=TRUE;
- Texts.OpenReader(R, text, len-1); Texts.Read(R, ch);
- len:=text.len;
- END FillArray;
- PROCEDURE FillText(text: Texts.Text; array: Array; n: (* INTEGER *) Integer; reverse, unique: BOOLEAN);
- (* Fill text with n lines from array; in reverse order if requested *)
- VAR i, j, delta: (* INTEGER *) Integer; ch: CHAR; last: String;
- VAR i, j, delta: (* INTEGER *) Integer; ch: CHAR; last: String;
- IF reverse THEN i:=n-1; delta:=-1 ELSE i:=0; delta:=1 END;
- IF unique THEN last[0]:=0X;
- WHILE n > 0 DO
- IF array[i] # last THEN last:=array[i];
- ch:=last[0]; j:=0;
- WHILE ch # 0X DO Texts.Write(W, ch); INC(j); ch:=last[j] END;
- ch:=last[0]; j:=0;
- END;
- INC(i, delta); DEC(n)
- IF array[i] # last THEN last:=array[i];
- WHILE n > 0 DO
- WHILE n > 0 DO ch:=array[i, 0]; j:=0;
- WHILE ch # 0X DO Texts.Write(W, ch); INC(j); ch:=array[i, j] END;
- INC(i, delta); DEC(n)
- WHILE ch # 0X DO Texts.Write(W, ch); INC(j); ch:=array[i, j] END;
- WHILE n > 0 DO ch:=array[i, 0]; j:=0;
- END;
- Texts.Append(text, W.buf)
- IF reverse THEN i:=n-1; delta:=-1 ELSE i:=0; delta:=1 END;
- END FillText;
- PROCEDURE Sort*; (** ("^" | "*" | <name>) ["/" {c}] where c IN {"r", "e", "u"} **)
- (** Sort a marked viewer, a selection, or a file. Option /r means in reverse order; /e keep empty lines **)
- S, nameS: Texts.Scanner;
- n: Integer;
- text, sel: Texts.Text;
- beg, end, time: (* LONGINT *) Integer;
- buf: Texts.Buffer;
- array: Array;
- reverse, empty, unique: BOOLEAN;
- TF: TextGadgets.Frame;
- D: Objects.Object;
- V: Viewers.Viewer;
- name: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
- S, nameS: Texts.Scanner;
- Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S);
- IF S.class=Texts.Char THEN
- IF S.c="*" THEN
- text:=Oberon.MarkedText();
- (* Also get the name of the viewer. *)
- D := Documents.MarkedDoc();
- IF D = NIL THEN (* Plain old Text viewer. *)
- Texts.OpenScanner(nameS, Oberon.MarkedViewer().dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0);
- Texts.Scan(nameS);
- AddSuffix(nameS.s, suffixArray, name)
- Texts.OpenScanner(nameS, Oberon.MarkedViewer().dsc(TextFrames.Frame).text, 0);
- AddSuffix(Documents.MarkedDoc().name, suffixArray, name)
- AddSuffix(Documents.MarkedDoc().name, suffixArray, name)
- text:=Oberon.MarkedText();
- ELSIF S.c="^" THEN Oberon.GetSelection(sel, beg, end, time);
- IF time >= 0 THEN NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Save(sel, beg, end, buf);
- NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, ""); Texts.Append(text, buf)
- NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, ""); Texts.Append(text, buf)
- IF time >= 0 THEN NEW(buf); Texts.OpenBuf(buf); Texts.Save(sel, beg, end, buf);
- IF S.c="*" THEN
- ELSIF S.class=Texts.Name THEN NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, S.s)
- END;
- Texts.Scan(S);
- reverse:=FALSE; empty:=FALSE; unique:=FALSE;
- IF (S.class=Texts.Char) & (S.c=Oberon.OptionChar) THEN Texts.Scan(S);
- IF S.class=Texts.Name THEN
- reverse:=(CAP(S.s[0])="R") OR (CAP(S.s[1])="R") OR (CAP(S.s[2])="R");
- empty:=(CAP(S.s[0])="E") OR (CAP(S.s[1])="E") OR (CAP(S.s[2])="E");
- unique:=(CAP(S.s[0])="U") OR (CAP(S.s[1])="U") OR (CAP(S.s[2])="U");
- reverse:=(CAP(S.s[0])="R") OR (CAP(S.s[1])="R") OR (CAP(S.s[2])="R");
- IF S.class=Texts.Name THEN
- END;
- NEW(array);
- FillArray(array, n, text, empty); HSortArray(array, n);
- NEW(text); Texts.Open(text, "");
- FillText(text, array, n, reverse, unique); WriteMsg(n, "sorted.");
- IF D = NIL THEN (* Text viewer. *)
- Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Par.vwr.X, X, Y);
- V := MenuViewers.New(
- TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu),
- TextFrames.NewText(text, 0),
- TextFrames.menuH,
- X, Y);
- TextFrames.NewMenu(name, Menu),
- Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Par.vwr.X, X, Y);
- D:=Gadgets.CreateObject("TextDocs.NewDoc");
- NEW(TF); TextGadgets.Init(TF, text, FALSE); D(Documents.Document).W:=300; (* D.name := "Sorted.Text"; *)
- COPY(name, D(Documents.Document).name);
- Documents.Init(D(Documents.Document), TF);
- Desktops.ShowDoc(D(Documents.Document))
- D:=Gadgets.CreateObject("TextDocs.NewDoc");
- END;
- array:=NIL;
- Oberon.Collect
- Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos); Texts.Scan(S);
- END Sort;
- suffixArray := suffix;
- Texts.OpenWriter(W)
END Sort.