Object Oriented Programming/Properties
Properties in OOP are also able to be looked at as functions, a property houses a function that can have its procedures or variables altered without directly going to the code and editing it. A property can be changed or updated based on user input which allows for a lot of user-interactive programs and applications.'
In Python, the property
keyword allows you to define getter, setter, and deleter methods for class attributes, making them act like properties. This enables you to control the access and modification of class attributes while providing a clean interface for external code. In example , we use the @property
decorator to create getter methods for each attribute, allowing us to access these attributes using obj.attribute1
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2):
self._attribute1 = attribute1
self._attribute2 = attribute2
def attribute1(self):
return self._attribute1
def attribute1(self, value):
# Perform any validation or custom logic here
self._attribute1 = value
# Usage example
obj = MyClass("Value 1", "Value 2")
print("Attribute 1:", obj.attribute1)
#Using property to add in new values
obj.attribute1 = "New Value 1"
print("Updated Attribute 1:", obj.attribute1)
class Animal:
def __init__(self, species, name, age):
self._species = species
self._name = name
self._age = age
# Getter methods
def species(self):
return self._species
def name(self):
return self._name
def age(self):
return self._age
# Setter methods
def name(self, new_name):
self._name = new_name
def age(self, new_age):
self._age = new_age
# Other methods
def make_sound(self):
def move(self):