OpenGL Programming/Anti-Aliasing
Concept keywords:
- (Spatial) Anti-aliasing
- MSAA (MultiSample Anti-Aliasing)
- Provided by OpenGL
- According to, MSAA is still in progress in Mesa.
- Full GLUT example available at OpenGL wiki, using GL_MULTISAMPLE/GLUT_MULTISAMPLE (not producing results with Mesa 8).
- Supersampling or FSAA (Full-Scene/Full-Screen Anti-Aliasing)
- using the accumulation buffer: cf. OpenGL Programming/Supersampling
Shader-based (with acronyms feast!):
- Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA): based on Intel's MLAA
- Normal Filter AA (NFAA): using edge detection
- Practical Morphological Anti-Aliasing (PMAA) and Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing (SMAA):
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