Overview of Elasticity of Materials/Anisotropic Response

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This section covers linear anisotropic response.

At this point, we have developed our notation for describing stress and strain, and have written expressions relating the two in terms of material parameters such as , , and . This is all within the assumption of a homogeneous, isotropic solid. This is often times a fairly good approximation, and you are likely to recognize the expressions derived here. Hopefully, this section will provide an insight to mechanics of solids as well as other materials-focused topics.

We will begin by looking at an example. Consider a brittle material that is hot at first and then suddenly quenched to low temperature. This can cause thermal shock and breakage. So the part is quenched from to , where .

It is known that, without proof, the thermal stress is


Where is the coefficient of thermal expansion.

Where is this from? We know that this is the hydrostatic stress:

Which can be rewritten as


Then it must be approximated that

For spherical, circular flaws, or cracks with radius , the energy is


Where is the total energy of the system and is the energy of the stress-free and crack-free system with volume .

The strain energy is


Where is the number of cracks.

Where is this from? Our expression for strain energy when normal stress is applied is

Where is the energy per unit volume.

Therefore, the first term in Equation 3 is simply the energy due to the thermal strain. The second term is the strain relieved when number of cracks of volume open (we are subtracting this term because the strain is being relieved):

Is this reasonable? This is probably slightly underestimated. Finally, the last term is


Where is the toughness energy required to create new surface (units of ). Note for ideal brittle materials, .

In this example, isotropic elasticity is used, and in all likelihood is a reasonable approximation for bulk polycrystalline or amorphous solids. Sometimes we cannot assume an isotropic solid. This is most common when dealing with systems where single crystals are studied such as the one in Figure 1. Looking at Figure 1, even if , pulling in direction will encounter different resistance (constant of proportionality in Hooke's Law) than pulling in direction .

Figure 1: Example of a single crystal system where bonds behave in spring-like fashion.

The anisotropic expression of Hooke's Law is a tensor relation:


Where is the stiffness or elastic constant and is the elastic compliance.

Here, the primary focus will be on , but the two behave similarly. The elastic constant tensor is a fourth rank tensor that connects two second rank tensors. In Equation 5, the right hand side is a double sum over and , resulting in 9 terms in the sum. Since there are 9 expressions for , there is a total of 81 elements in . This seems like a large number, but are they unique? We know and are symmetric, therefore


This reduces the number of elastic constants from 81 to 36 unique values. To further simplify, we must consider the elastic energy. We know that the energy of the system is

Figure 2: Example of a homogeneous elastic stress-strain curve. The area underneath the curve is highlighted to show the total elastic energy.

As depicted in Figure 2.

For homogeneous elastic loading, we can write


Which is the superposition of


Now we will consider starting in an initial state and straining . This increases the internal energy, the energy stored in bonds, by


Where from Equation 5 (all strain except are zero).

Integrating this



Now apply a second strain deformation and integrate:

Using Equation 5 and the fact that all except and . This becomes


Then the total work is


Imagine now we reverse the order; first applying then .


In the linear regime superposition holds, therefore the order is not important and

This is generalized to

Which reduces the number of unique values to 21. This is the fewest number of elastic constants that must be specified for an arbitrary crystal.

Crystal Symmetry Simplifications

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Fortunately, tensor relations are tied to the symmetry of a crystal. For high symmetry crystals, such as cubic, only 3 unique values are needed and further many zeroes exist. The following rules can be utilized to simplify the notation:

  1. All
  2. All
  3. All
  4. All other (not in Equations 1-3).

This makes the situation much simpler. Next, we will simplify the notation using Voigt notation as described in the table below.

pair 11 22 33 23 31 12
m 1 2 3 4 5 6

This is often (not always) found in textbooks and manuscripts. In this notation, work is

Using Voigt notation, we can now write the stress-strain relation

In 2D instead of the original 4D format.


In this format, it is still possible to transform the vectors and tensor together. This can further be shortened to


However, this has shear strain components (), which means that in this representation, is not a tensor but a matrix. This is because the rotational properties of tensors are not satisfied. We can see how these two are related by writing out one of the stresses from Equation 15:

Where , , and .

Applying our simplifications due to crystalline symmetry we can write for a cubic crystal:


Returning to our definition of strain energy (Equation 7) we can write this in Voigt notation:


And we can write the stress-strain relation (Equation 5) as


Which allows us to write


Which is a double sum over and . Putting from Equation 17 into Equation 20 yields


Here are a few useful relationships for cubic crystals which are given without proof:


Here , , and are direction cosine from , , and and are the direction of applied uniaxial loading. Mapping the anisotropic elastic properties to the isotropic limit, we have


Yet for a truly isotropic medium, only 2 material parameters are needed. We find




Where is the Zener anisotropy ratio ( for isotropic material).