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Past LSAT Explained/February 2005 LSAT

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The February 2005 LSAT


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As always, test forms for the February 2005 LSAT included an experimental (unscored) section. On most test forms, the experimental section appeared in Section 1. Be aware, however, that LSAC often administers a few selected forms with identical scored sections, but with their experimental sections in a different location. Ratings of this administration placed its difficulty slightly higher than other recent exams. Princeton Review students report being pleased with their overall performance. Games (Analytical Reasoning) Princeton Review students rated the difficulty of this section as harder than Games sections that have appeared on exams within the past year. The first game involved determining the order in which different bands performed. Five bands performed during seven time periods, and there were two rest periods. In the second game, six campers each had one or more of three types of camping equipment. The third game involved six teachers who taught one of three languages at a junior or senior high school. In the last game, three hats had to be assigned to one or more ordered spaces. Test takers rated the first game as easiest and the fourth game as hardest, and they split on their assessment of the second and third games. Our students found that their familiarity with the games and experience with making deductions helped them set up the games and work the questions efficiently.

Arguments (Logical Reasoning)

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One scored section had 25 questions, and the other had 26 questions. As usual, assumption, flaw, and inference questions were among the most common question types. Test takers cited aggressive use of process of elimination (POE) as the most helpful technique. Overall, Princeton Review students reported being pleased with the arguments sections they saw, and they found the techniques they had learned in class worked well on the exam. Broad experience with past exams was invaluable to test takers, and smart pacing choices were required to get the best possible results.

Reading Comprehension

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The Reading Comprehension section offered the usual breakdown of topics - science, law/policy, social science, and arts/humanities. Examinees varied in their assessment of passage difficulty, but many said the science and humanities passages had the most difficult questions. The first passage had six questions and presented new scholarship on Native American women that indicates women had more power than previously thought. The second passage had eight questions, and it described current limitations on superconductor technology and types of superconductors that may allow for more practical applications in the future. The third passage had five questions, and it assessed the results of the Netherlandsė­© environmental policy program. Eight questions accompanied the last passage, which defended a controversial theory about Bachė­© choral works. Overall, this section demanded the skills of mapping the passage well, paraphrasing its contents, searching for specific evidence in support of answers, and eliminating choices judiciously.