Permaculture Design/Crop rotation
Crop rotation is a method of farming whereby different crops are grown systematically arranged in series on the same piece of land time after time in such a way to restore nutrients removed from the soil. • Crop rotation has principles,
Principles of crop rotation
- Avoid planting crops of the same family,
- After deep rooted crop plant a shallow rooted,
- Always include a legume,
- Allow a fallow period in which land grow natural plants,
- Plant green manure in between to protect soil from sun or add manure,
- Alternate between heavy feeders and light feeders.
Importance of crop rotation
- Crops such as legumes add nutrients to the soil as they contain nitrogen fixing bacteria in their nodules,
- Rotation prevent nutrients from become exhausted in the soil,
- Roots of different crops grow to different depth, thus taking food from different areas of the soil,
- Pests are eradicated e.g., pests that feed on cabbage will feed only on brassica family and not on solanaceous plants.
A four-year crop rotation
- The main crops to be grown first are heavy feeders e.g., tomatoes
- They should be followed by an optional crop,
- Optional crop followed by a legume,
- Finally root crop.