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Permaculture Design/Crop rotation

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Crop rotation is a method of farming whereby different crops are grown systematically arranged in series on the same piece of land time after time in such a way to restore nutrients removed from the soil. • Crop rotation has principles,

Principles of crop rotation

  1. Avoid planting crops of the same family,
  2. After deep rooted crop plant a shallow rooted,
  3. Always include a legume,
  4. Allow a fallow period in which land grow natural plants,
  5. Plant green manure in between to protect soil from sun or add manure,
  6. Alternate between heavy feeders and light feeders.

Importance of crop rotation

  • Crops such as legumes add nutrients to the soil as they contain nitrogen fixing bacteria in their nodules,
  • Rotation prevent nutrients from become exhausted in the soil,
  • Roots of different crops grow to different depth, thus taking food from different areas of the soil,
  • Pests are eradicated e.g., pests that feed on cabbage will feed only on brassica family and not on solanaceous plants.

A four-year crop rotation

  • The main crops to be grown first are heavy feeders e.g., tomatoes
  • They should be followed by an optional crop,
  • Optional crop followed by a legume,
  • Finally root crop.