Dr Jovanovic's is a term assistant professor in Iowa State University. Dr Jovanovic's main research focus is in the areas of Nanotoxicology, Aquatic EcoToxicology. Primarily he is interested in non-soluble suspended materials of anthropogenic origin - mainly nanoparticles and microplastics and their effects on the environment. He conducts his research in both freshwater and marine environment. Some clusters of interest include: (a) outdoor mesocosm aquatic system studies with nanoparticles and microplastics, (b) benthic macroinvertebrates community nanotoxicology, (c) effects of nanoparticles on fish disease resistance and fish nanoimmunotoxicology, (d) chironomid midges (Diptera) as bioindicators of nanoparticles/microplastics pollution and (e) fruit fly (Drosophila) nanotoxicology as a relevant model for human exposure to nanoparticles/microplastics.
Dr Evrim Baran- Open Pedagogy Advisor
Dr Baran is an associate professor of educational technology in the School of Education and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. Her scholarship converges the disciplines of educational technology, human computer interaction, and learning sciences to answer complex problems in today’s learning environments. Her research aims to establish effective strategies for the design of mobile, online, and flexible learning environments in teacher education, engineering education, and STEM learning contexts. Her recent work on online learning and teaching focuses on the implementation of open pedagogy as an approach to empower learners in the co-creation of the course content and help them contribute to the body of knowledge they learn.
Dana AlZoubi
Dana AlZoubi - Technical Editor
Dana AlZoubi is a PhD student of 'Curriculum and Instruction' in the School of Education and co-majoring in Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. She is currently working as a research assistant with Dr Baran.
Niranjana Krishnan
Niranjana Krishnan- Chapter Contributor
Niranjana Krishnan is a Ph.D. candidate in Toxicology at Iowa State University. She is assessing the risk of insecticides on monarch butterflies by conducting toxicity tests and estimating exposure. She wrote Chapter 1: Aquatic Toxicity Tests in "Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology" Wikibook.
Colin Wong - Chapter Contributor
Collin Wong is a graduate student in the interdepartmental toxicology program at Iowa State University, Ames, USA. He wrote Chapter 2: Biotransformation of Xenobiotics in "Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology" Wikibook.
Rachel M. Sorensen - Chapter Contributor
Rachel M. Sorensen is a graduate student in the interdepartmental toxicology program at Iowa State University. Her research focuses on the effects of microplastics, nanoplastics, and their additives on Drosophila melanogaster. She wrote Chapter 3: Microplastics: An Emerging Pollutant in an Aquatic Ecosystem in "Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology" Wikibook.
Maura J. Hall - Chapter Contributor
Maura J. Hall is a Ph.D. candidate in the interdepartmental toxicology program at Iowa State University. Her research focuses on assessing the exposure of agricultural pesticides to insect pollinators including honeybees, native bees, and monarch larvae. She wrote Chapter 4: Analytical Methodology for Detecting & Monitoring Synthetic Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment in "Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology" Wikibook.