Physics Course/Oscillation/Oscillation Up and Down

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The Oscillation up and down of a Spring

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When apply a force on an object of mass attach to a spring . The spring will move a distance y above and below the equilibrium point and this movement keeps on repeating itself for a period of time . The movement up and down of spring for a period of time is called Oscillation

The force acts on the object to pull the object down

F = m a

The Restoring Force of spring to push the object up can be calculated by Hook's Law

Fs = - k y

The oscillation stops when

Fs = - Fa
m a = - k y
y =
a = -

Any force acting on an object can be expressed in a differential equation

Equilibrium is reached when

Fs = - Fa
s = ± j
s = ± j
s =