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Circumcised penis demonstrating shrinkage due to low temperatures. During extreme shrinkage, the shaft skin can cover the glans similar to a prepuce.

Circumcision means the use of surgery to cut away part or whole of the prepuce. Sometimes the frenulum of prepuce on the ventral side of the penis, near the urethral orifice, are completely removed, known as frenectomy. Being a kind of therapeutic surgery, circumcision can be used to treat various diseases, including: pathological phimosis, chronic acroposthitis, penis cancer, etc. If performing circumcision too frequently, will encounter criticisms, reasons of which include: misunderstanding of indications; and the use of circumcision, even if there is other less invasive and more effective methods of treatment.

Bāopíhuánqiēshù shì zhǐ yǐ shǒushù qiēchú bùfèn huò quánbù de bāopí. Yǒushí yīnjīng-fùmiàn kàojìn niàodào-kǒu de bāopí-xìdài yě yībìng qiēchú, chēngwéi xìdàiqiēchúshù. Zuòwéi yīzhǒng zhìliáoxìng de shǒushù, bāopíhuánqiēshù kě yòngyú zhìliáo duōzhǒng bìngzhèng, bāokuò: bìngtàixìng bāojīng, mànxìng bāopíyán, yīnjīng'ái děng. Rúguǒ shīxíng bāopíhuánqiēshù tài pínfán, huì zāodào pīpíng, yuányīn bāokuò: shìyìngzhèng bèi wùjiě; háiyǒu jiùshì yǐjīng yǒu qítā shānghàixìng xiǎo yòu yǒuxiào de zhìliáo fāngfǎ, dànshì réngrán shīxíng bāopíhuánqiēshù.