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Feminism, also called feminist movement, is mainly about social theories and political movements that have origins and motives from women's experiences. Besides from criticizing social relationships, a lot of feminism supporters lay stress on the analysis of gender inequalities and promote women's powers, rights and issues.

Nǚxìngzhǔyì, yòuchēng nǚquán yùndòng, shì zhǐ zhǔyào yǐ nǚxìng jīngyàn wéi láiyuán hé dòngjī de shèhuì lǐlùn hé zhèngzhì yùndòng. Zài duì shèhuì guānxì jìnxíng pīpàn zhīwài, xǔduō nǚxìngzhǔyì de zhīchízhě yě zhuózhòng yú xìngbié bùpíngděng de fēnxī yǐjí tuīdòng fùnǚ de quánlì, lìyì hé yìtí.