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Pinyin/Free Lunch

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Author: Lu Jiansheng


President George Bush, Sr. once said

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President George Bush, Sr. once said, there is never anyone who can win over Nobel Prize winner economist Milton Friedman in an argument, except his wife. I watched TV debate short clip between Milton Friedman and audience online, which is not false. I also noticed he has a small trick, which is to pause after finish speaking one paragraph, wait until when somebody else who is ready to reply, then open his mouth and interrupt his opponent speech, cutting his opponents down to size.

老布殊總統曾經說過,從來沒有人辯論贏過著名經濟學家諾貝爾獎得主佛利民(Milton Friedman),除了他老婆。我上網看了他在電視上跟現場觀眾的對答辯論短片,所言非虛。我還注意到他的一個小技巧,就是講完一段停下來,等人家準備回應時,就開口打斷對方發言,挫其銳氣。

Lǎo Bush zǒngtǒng céngjīng shuōguo, cónglái méiyǒu rén biànlùn yíngguo zhùmíng jīngjìxuéjiā Nobel Prize dézhǔ Milton Friedman, chúle tā lǎopó. Wǒ shàngwǎng kànle tā zài diànshì shàng gēn xiànchǎng guānzhòng de duìdá biànlùn duǎnpiàn, suǒyánfēixū. Wǒ hái zhùyìdào tā de yīgè xiǎo jìqiǎo, jiùshì jiǎng-wán yīduàn tíng-xiàlái, děng rénjiā zhǔnbèi huíyìng shí, jiù kāikǒu dǎduàn duìfāng fāyán, cuòqíruìqì.

Friedman is an American economist

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Friedman is an American economist, famous for his studies of macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic history and statistics. He is also well-known as a proponent for laissez-faire capitalism. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976 and was praised for his contribution, in the categories of consumption analysis, curriences supply theory, and on the complexity of economic stabilization policies.


Friedman shì Měiguó jīngjìxuéjiā, yǐ yánjiū hóngguān-jīngjìxué, wēiguān-jīngjìxué, jīngjìshǐ, tǒngjìxué yǐjí zhǔzhāng zìyóu fàngrèn zīběnzhǔyì ér wénmíng, gèng yú 1976 nián dédào Nobel Jīngjìxué Jiǎng, yǐ biǎoyáng qí zài xiāofèi fēnxī, huòbì gōngyìng lǐlùn jí wěndìng zhèngcè fùzáxìng děng fànchóu de gòngxiàn.

Friedman visited China three times

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Friedman visited China three times. He understood economic reform in the Chinese market and has published a book entitled "Friedman in China", which discussed his two times journey in China. Friedman found Chinese people have no knowledge on economic problems. Once in a lecture, a Chinese vice-minister asked Friedman: "In America, who are responsible for distributing goods?" Friedman suggested to the vice-minister to have a look at commodities exchange in Chicago, to find out how does an economic system function without the central distributor.


Tā céng sān dù fǎngwèn Zhōngguó, liǎojiě Zhōngguó shìchǎng jīngjì gǎigé, céng chūbǎn “Friedman zài Zhōngguó” yī shū, tánlùn liǎng cì Zhōngguó zhī xíng. Friedman fāxiàn, rénmen duì jīngjì wèntí, hěnduō shíhòu jīhū yīwúsuǒzhī. Yǒu cì zài yīgè jiǎngzuò zhōng, yī wèi Zhōngguó fùbùcháng wèn tā: "Zài Měiguó shuí fùzé wùzī fēnpèi?" Friedman jiànyì nàge fùbùzhǎng qù Chicago shāngpǐn jiāoyìsuǒ kànkàn, liǎojiě yīxià méiyǒu zhòngyāng fēnpèizhě de jīngjì tǐzhì shì zěnyàng yùnzuò de.

Although Friedman's economic reform suggestion was not put into practice directly in China

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Although Friedman's economic reform suggestion was not put into practice directly in China. However, in 1988 accompanying Friedman in his visit to China, professer Zhang Wuchang thought: "The Chinese monetary system drafted by the former Premier Zhu Rongji, which is even better than the American system, is deeply influenced by Friedman's doctrine."


Suīrán Friedman de jīngjì gǎigé jiànyì bìng méiyǒu zhíjiē zài Zhōngguó luòshí, dàn 1988 nián péitóng Friedman fǎng-Huá de Zhāng Wǔcháng jiàoshòu rènwéi, Zhū Róngjī hòulái zhìdìng de Zhōngguó huòbì zhìdù, shēnshòu Friedman xuéshuō yǐngxiǎng, jiào Měiguó gèngwéi yōushèng.

When Friedman publicize laissez-faire economics

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When Friedman publicize laissez-faire economics, he always pointed to Hong Kong as the last bastion of lassez-faire economics. In his publication "The Right to Choose", Friedman pointed out: "If one wanted to understand how a free market really works, one should come to Hong Kong." However, today some policies of the Hong Kong government. I believed already go against the principle of laissez-faire economics.


Friedman xuānyáng zìyóu jīngjì xuéshuō shí, jīngcháng zhǐ Xiānggǎng shì zìyóu jīngjì de zuìhòu bǎolěi, zài qí zhùzuò “xuǎnzé de Zìyóu” zhōng, tā zhǐchū: "Rúguǒ xiǎng liǎojiě zìyóu shìchǎng de zhēnzhèng yùnzuò, jiù yīnggāi dào Xiānggǎng qù." Bùguò jīntiān Xiānggǎng zhèngfǔ de yīxiē zhèngcè, wǒ rènwéi yǐjīng wéibèi zìyóu jīngjì yuánzé.

A famous quote by Friedman

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A famous quote by Friedman, almost everyone have heard, of course is this one: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." The meaning of which everyone can understand. However, another quote I also agreed upon is this one: "One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results."


Friedman de míngyán, jīhū suǒyǒu rén dōu tīngguo de, dāngrán shì zhè jù: "Shìjièshàng méiyǒu miǎnfèi wǔcān", yìsī dàjiā dàngrán dōu dǒng. Bùguò lìngyī jù wǒ hěn zàntóng de, jiùshì: "Zuìdà cuòwù zhīyī, jiùshì gēnjù zhèngcè hé jìhuà de yìtú lái zuò pànduàn, ér bùshì gēnjù qí jiéguǒ."

One quote I guessed everyone have a common response for is this one

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One quote I guessed everyone have a common response for is this one: "The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem." Agree or not?


Yǒu yī jù gūjì dàjiā hěn yǒu gòngmíng de: "Zhèngfǔ suǒ tíchū jiějué wèntí de bànfǎ, tōngcháng gēn nàgè wèntí běnshēn yīyàng chàjìng", tóngyì bù?

There is still another quote worth thinking over

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There is still another quote worth thinking over: "What constituted a majority of anti-laissez-faire theories is in fact a mistrust towards freedom." Sighing with emotions or not?


Háiyǒu yī jù hěn zhídé shēnsī de: "Gòuchéng dàduōshù fǎn-zìyóu-shìchǎng lǐlùn de, qíshí shì duì zìyóu běnshēn de bù xìnrèn." Gǎnkǎi bù?