Pinyin/Kidney Failure

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Kidney failure (also called renal failure) is a term used to describe when a person's kidneys stop working properly, or fail. Renal failure can be divided into two categories: chronic renal failure, and acute renal failure.

Chronic renal failure develops slowly, and there are not many noticeable symptoms at first. Its presence can be an indication of other diseases, such as IgA nephritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, and urinary retention. Chronic renal failure will eventually develop into end-stage renal failure if it is left untreated. End-stage renal failure can only be treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Acute renal failure develops in a short time, and symptoms are more noticeable. Symptoms include production of less urine, changes in body water levels, and irregularities in electrolyte levels. The cause of acute renal failure needs to be found quickly, and dialysis is often needed while that is being found.

It is possible to have acute renal failure on top of chronic renal failure. This is called acute-on-chronic renal failure.


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Shènshuāijié shì yònglái xíngróng 1'g rén de shènzàng tíngzhǐ zhèngcháng gōngzuò, huò shuāijié d 1'g shùyǔ. Shènshuāijié kě fēnwéi 2 lèi: mànxìng shènshuāijié, yǐjí jíxìng shènshuāijié.

Mànxìng shènshuāijié fāzhǎn huǎnmàn, érqiě yīkāishǐ méiyǒu xǔduō míngxiǎn de zhèngzhuàng. Tā de cúnzài kěyǐ shì qítā jíbìng, rú IgA shènyán, shènxiǎoqiúshènyán, mànxìng shènyúshènyán, hé niàozhūliú de bìngzhēng. Mànxìng shènshuāijié zuìzhōng jiāng fāzhǎn chéngwéi mòqī shènshuāijié rúguǒ bù jíshí zhìliáo. Mòqī shènshuāijié zhǐ néng tòuxī huò shènyízhí zhìliáo.

Jíxìng shènshuāijié, zài duǎn shíjiān nèi fāzhǎn hé zhèngzhuàng gèng míngxiǎn. Zhèngzhuàng bāokuò shēngchǎn niào-liàng shǎo, gǎibiàn tǐnèi shuǐfèn shuǐpíng, bù guīzé diànjiězhì shuǐpíng. Jíxìng shènshuāijié de yuányīn xūyào xùnsù de bèi fāxiàn, zhěnzhì qījiān jīngcháng xūyào tòuxī zhìliáo.

Mànxìng shènshuāijié yě kěnéng tóngshí chūxiàn jíxìng shènshuāijié, chēngwéi mànxìng-jiā-jíxìng shènshuāijié.