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Search Pinyin muesli

Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

Muesli is a popular nutritious food that is originated from Switzerland. It usually composed of oats, fruits and nuts. In the 60's decade of the 19th century, because of the promotion of healthy eating and vegetarianism, modern varieties of muesli is very popular in the U.S. and Europe. The legacy of muesli until now, has already seen in everywhere in Western countries. It has myriad varieties. We can buy ready to eat muesli, but also can make one's own recipe at home.

Muesli shì fāyuán yú Switzerland de 1-zhǒng liúxíng yíngyǎng shípǐn. Tā zhǔyào yóu màipiàn, shuǐguǒ hé jiānguǒ děng zǔchéng. 19 shìjì 60 niándài, yóuyú jiànkāng yǐnshí hé sùshízhǔyì de tuīguǎng, xiàndài xíngshì de Muesli zài Ōuměi guójiā biàndé fēicháng shòu huānyíng. Muesli chuánchéng zhìjīn, zài Xīfāng guójiā yǐjīng dàochù kějiàn. Tā de xíngshì duōzhǒng-duōyàng. Wǒmen kěyǐ gòumǎi jíshí Muesli, yě kěyǐ zài jiālǐ zìjǐ tiáopèi.