< Pinyin
Oat is a kind of cereal. It is a food for humans and other animals such as chickens and horses. Oat can makes oatmeal. Its straw can used as bedding for animals.
yahnmaih shih 1-zhoong guuleih. ta shih rernleih huoh qirta dohngwuh, rur ji her maa'd shirliarng. yahnmaih kee zuoh maihpiahn. ta'd gaan'zi kee geei dohngwuh zuoh chuarngpuh.
Oat is a healthy food:
- It is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber.
- Oat is rich in complex carbohydrates, which can provide energy to the body for longer time.
- It has vegetable protein.
- Oat has low unsaturated fat and contains no cholesterol.
- It is a vegetarian food with vitamin B1.
yahnmaih shih jiahnkang shirpiin:
- ta fuhharn keerorngxihng her fei-keerorngxihng xianweir.
- yahnmaih fuhharn fuhher'd tahnshuiiwuh, nerng weih shentii jiaohcharng shirjian tirgong nerngliahng.
- ta yoou zhirwuh dahnbairzhih.
- yahnmaih yoou di'd feibaaoher zhifarng, bu harn daanguhchurn.
- ta shih yoou vitamin B1'd suhshir.