Pinyin/On Contradiction/Chapter 2

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2. Máodùn de Pǔbiànxìng


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For convenience of exposition, I shall deal first with the universality of contradiction and then proceed to the particularity of contradiction.


Wèile xùshù de biànlì qǐjiàn, wǒ zài zhèlǐ xiān shuō máodùn de pǔbiànxìng, zài shuō máodùn de tèshūxìng.

The reason is that the universality of contradiction can be explained more briefly, for it has been widely recognized ever since the materialist-dialectical world outlook was discovered and materialist dialectics applied with outstanding success to analysing many aspects of human history and natural history and to changing many aspects of society and nature (as in the Soviet Union) by the great creators and continuers of Marxism--Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin; whereas the particularity of contradiction is still not dearly understood by many comrades, and especially by the dogmatists.


Zhè shì yīnwéi Marxzhǔyì de wěidà de chuàngzàozhě hé jìchéngzhě Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin tāmen fāxiànle wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ de Yǔzhòuguān, yǐjīng bǎ wéiwù biànzhèngfǎ yìngyòng zài rénlèi lìshǐ de fēnxī hé zìrán lìshǐ de fēnxī de xǔduō fāngmiàn, yìngyòng zài shèhuì de biàngé hé zìrán de biàngé (lìrú zài Sūlián) de xǔduō fāngmiàn, huòdéle jíqí wěidà de chénggōng, máodùn de pǔbiànxìng yǐjīng bèi hěnduō rén suǒ chéngrèn, yīncǐ, guānyú zhège wèntí zhǐ xūyào hěn shǎo de huà jiù kěyǐ shuō míngbái; ér guānyú máodùn de tèshūxìng de wèntí, zé hái yǒu hěnduō de tóngzhì, tèbié shì jiàotiáozhǔyìzhě, nòng bù qīngchǔ.

They do not understand that it is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides.


Tāmen bù liǎojiě máodùn de pǔbiànxìng yùyú máodùn de tèshūxìng zhīzhōng.

Nor do they understand how important is the study of the particularity of contradiction in the concrete things confronting us for guiding the course of revolutionary practice.


Tāmen yě bù liǎojiě yánjiū dāngqián jùtǐ shìwù de máodùn de tèshūxìng, duìyú wǒmen zhǐdǎo gémìng shíjiàn de fǎzhǎn yǒu héděng zhòngyào de yìyì.

Therefore, it is necessary to stress the study of the particularity of contradiction and to explain it at adequate length.


Yīncǐ, guānyú máodùn de tèshūxìng de wèntí yīngdāng zhuózhòng de jiāyǐ yánjiū, bìngyòng zúgòu de piānfú jiāyǐ shuōmíng.

For this reason, in our analysis of the law of contradiction in things, we shall first analyse the universality of contradiction, then place special stress on analysing the particularity of contradiction, and finally return to the universality of contradiction.


Wèile zhège yuángù, dāngzhe wǒmen fēnxī shìwù máodùn de fǎzé de shíhòu, wǒmen jiù xiān lái fēnxī máodùn de pǔbiànxìng de wèntí, ránhòu zài zhuózhòng de fēnxī máodùn de tèshūxìng de wèntí, zuìhòu réng huídào máodùn de pǔbiànxìng de wèntí.


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The universality or absoluteness of contradiction has a twofold meaning.


Máodùn de pǔbiànxìng huò juéduìxìng zhège wèntí yǒu liǎng fāngmiàn de yìyì.

One is that contradiction exists in the process of development of all things, and the other is that in the process of development of each thing a movement of opposites exists from beginning to end.


Qíyī shì shuō, máodùn cúnzài yú yīqiè shìwù de fǎzhǎn guòchéng zhōng; qí'èr shì shuō, měiyī shìwù de fǎzhǎn guòchéng zhōng cúnzàizhe zìshǐzhìzhōng de máodùn yùndòng.


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Engels said, "Motion itself is a contradiction."


Engels shuō: “Yùndòng běnshēn jiùshì máodùn.”

Lenin defined the law of the unity of opposites as "the recognition (discovery) of the contradictory, mutually exclusive, opposite tendencies in all phenomena and processes of nature (including mind and society)".


Lenin duìyú duìlì tǒngyī fǎzé suǒ xià de dìngyì, shuō tā jiùshì “chéngrèn (fāxiàn) zìránjiè (jīngshén hé shèhuì liǎngzhě yě zài nèi) de yīqiè xiànxiàng hé guòchéng dōu hányǒu hùxiāng máodùn, hùxiàng páichì, hùxiāng duìlì de qūxiàng”

Are these ideas correct? Yes, they are.


Zhèxiē yìjiàn shì duì de ma? Shì duì de.

The interdependence of the contradictory aspects present in all things and the struggle between these aspects determine the life of all things and push their development forward.


Yīqiè shìwù zhòng bāohán de máodùn fāngmiàn de xiānghù yīlài hé xiānghù dòuzhēng, juédìng yīqiè shìwù de shēngmìng, tuīdòng yīqiè shìwù de fāzhǎn.

There is nothing that does not contain contradiction; without contradiction nothing would exist.


Méiyǒu shénme shìwù shì bù bāohán máodùn de, méiyǒu máodùn jiù méiyǒu shìjiè.


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Contradiction is the basis of the simple forms of motion (for instance, mechanical motion) and still more so of the complex forms of motion.


Máodùn shì jiǎndān de yùndòng xíngshì (lìrú jīxièxìng de yùndòng) de jīchǔ, gèng shì fùzá de yùndòng xíngshì de jīchǔ.


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Engels explained the universality of contradiction as follows:

If simple mechanical change of place contains a contradiction, this is even more true of the higher forms of motion of matter, and especially of organic life and its development. ...


Engels zhèyàng shuōmíngguò máodùn de pǔbiànxìng: “Rúguǒ jiǎndān de jīxiè de yídòng běnshēn bāohánzhe máodùn, nàme, wùzhí de gèng gāo de yùndòng xíngshì, tèbié shì yǒujī shēngmìng hé tā de fāzhǎn, jiù gèngjiā bāohánzhe máodùn.……

life consists precisely and primarily in this--that a being is at each moment itself and yet something else.


Shēngmìng shǒuxiān jiù zàiyú: Shēngwù zài měi yīgè shùnjiān shì tā zìshēn, dàn què yòu shì bié de shénme.

Life is therefore also a contradiction which is present in things and processes themselves, and which constantly originates and resolves itself; and as soon as the contradiction ceases, life, too, comes to an end, and death steps in.


Suǒyǐ, shēngmìng yěshì cúnzài yú wùtǐ hé guòchéng běnshēn zhōng de bùduàn de zìxíng chǎnshēng bìng zìxíng jiějué de máodùn; zhè yī máodùn yī tíngzhǐ, shēngmìng yě tíngzhǐ, yúshì sǐ jiù láidào.

We likewise saw that also in the sphere of thought we could not escape contradictions, and that for example the contradiction between man's inherently unlimited capacity for knowledge and its actual presence only in men who are externally limited and possess limited cognition finds its solution in what is--at least practically, for us--an endless succession of generations, in infinite progress.


Tóngyàng, wǒmen kàndàole, zài sīwéi de fànwéi yǐnèi wǒmen yě bùnéng bìmiǎn máodùn, bìngqiě wǒmen kàndàole, lìrú, rén de nèibù wúxiàn de rènshí nénglì yǔ zhè zhǒng rènshí nénglì jǐn zài wàibù bèi júxiàn de érqiě rènshí shàng yě bèi júxiàn de gèbié rénmen shēnshang de shíjì de shíxiàn èrzhě zhījiān de máodùn, shì zài rénlèi shìdài de wúqióng de――zhìshǎo duìyú wǒmen, shíjì shang shì wúqióng de――liánxù xìliè zhīzhōng, shì zài wúqióng de qiánjìn yùndòng zhīzhōng jiějué de.”

... one of the basic principles of higher mathematics is the contradiction that in certain circumstances straight lines and curves may be the same....

But even lower mathematics teems with contradictions.



“Gāoděng shùxué de zhǔyào jīchǔ zhīyī, jiùshì máodùn……”

“Jiùshì chūděng shùxué, yě chōngmǎnzhe máodùn.……”


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Lenin illustrated the universality of contradiction as follows:


Lenin yě zhèyàng shuōmíngguo máodùn de pǔbiànxìng:

In mathematics: + and - . Differential and integral.


“Zài shùxué zhōng: + hé - . Wēifēn hé jīfēn.

In mechanics: action and reaction.


Zài lìxué zhōng: zuòyòng hé fǎnzuòyòng.

In physics: positive and negative electricity.


Zài wùlǐxué zhōng: yángdiàn hé yīndiàn.

In chemistry: the combination and dissociation of atoms.


Zài huàxué zhōng: yuánzǐ de huàhé hé fēnjiě.

In social science: the class struggle.


Zài shèhuì kēxué zhōng: jiējí dòuzhēng.”


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In war, offence and defence, advance and retreat, victory and defeat are all mutually contradictory phenomena.


Zhànzhēng zhōng de gōng-shǒu, jìn-tuì, shèng-bài, dōu shì máodùnzhe de xiànxiàng.

One cannot exist without the other.


Shīqù yīfāng, lìngyī fāngmiàn jiù bù cúnzài.

The two aspects are at once in conflict and in interdependence, and this constitutes the totality of a war, pushes its development forward and solves its problems.


Shuāngfāng dòuzhēng ér yòu liánjié, zǔchéngle zhànzhēng de zǒngtǐ, tuīdòngle zhànzhēng de fāzhǎn, jiějuéle zhànzhēng de wèntí.


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Every difference in men's concepts should be regarded as reflecting an objective contradiction.


Rén de gàiniàn de měiyī chāyì, dōu yīnggāi kànzuò kèguān máodùn de fǎnyìng.

Objective contradictions are reflected in subjective thinking, and this process constitutes the contradictory movement of concepts, pushes forward the development of thought, and ceaselessly solves problems in man's thinking.


Kèguān máodùn fǎnyìng rù zhǔguān de sīxiǎng, zǔchéngle gàiniàn de máodùn yùndòng, tuīdòngle sīxiǎng de fāzhǎn, bùduàn de jiějuéle rénmen de sīxiǎng wèntí.


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Opposition and struggle between ideas of different kinds constantly occur within the Party; this is a reflection within the Party of contradictions between classes and between the new and the old in society.


Dǎng nèi bùtóng sīxiǎng de duìlì hé dòuzhēng shì jīngcháng fāshēng de, zhè shì shèhuì de jiējí máodùn hé xīnjiù shìwù de máodùn zài Dǎng nèi de fǎnyìng.

If there were no contradictions in the Party and no ideological struggles to resolve them, the Party's life would come to an end.


Dǎng nèi rúguǒ méiyǒu máodùn hé jiějué máodùn de sīxiǎng dòuzhēng, Dǎng de shēngmìng yě jiù tíngzhǐle.


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Thus it is already clear that contradiction exists universally and in all processes, whether in the simple or in the complex forms of motion, whether in objective phenomena or ideological phenomena.


Yóucǐ kànlái, bùlùn shì jiǎndān de yùndòng xíngshì, huò fùzá de yùndòng xíngshì, bùlùn shì kèguān xiànxiàng, huò sīxiǎng xiànxiàng, máodùn shì pǔbiàn de cúnzàizhe, máodùn cúnzài yú yīqiè guòchéng zhōng, zhè yīdiǎn yǐjīng nòng qīngchǔle.

But does contradiction also exist at the initial stage of each process?


Dànshì měiyī guòchéng de kāishǐ jiēduàn, shìfǒu yě yǒu máodùn cúnzài ne?

Is there a movement of opposites from beginning to end in the process of development of every single thing?


Shìfǒu měiyī shìwù de fāzhǎn guòchéng jùyǒu zìshǐzhìzhōng de máodùn yùndòng ne?


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As can be seen from the articles written by Soviet philosophers criticizing it, the Deborin school maintains that contradiction appears not at the inception of a process but only when it has developed to a certain stage.


Cóng Sūlián zhéxuéjiè pīpàn Deborin xuépài de wénzhāng zhòng kànchū, Deborin xuépài yǒu zhèyàng yī zhǒng jiànjiě, tāmen rènwéi máodùn bùshì yī kāishǐ jiù zài guòchéng zhòng chūxiàn, xū dài guòchéng fāzhǎn dào yīdìng de jiēduàn cái chūxiàn.

If this were the case, then the cause of the development of the process before that stage would be external and not internal.


Nàme, zài nà yī shíjiān yǐqián, guòchéng fāzhǎn de yuányīn bùshì yóuyú nèibù de yuányīn, ér shì yóuyú wàibù de yuányīn le.

Deborin thus reverts to the metaphysical theories of external causality and of mechanism.


Zhèyàng, Deborin huí dào xíng'érshàngxué de wàiyīnlùn hé jīxièlùn qù le.

Applying this view in the analysis of concrete problems, the Deborin school sees only differences but not contradictions between the kulaks and the peasants in general under existing conditions in the Soviet Union, thus entirely agreeing with Bukharin.


Ná zhè zhǒng jiànjiě qù fēnxī jùtǐ de wèntí, tāmen jiù kànjiàn zài Sūlián tiáojiàn xià fùnóng hé yībān nóngmín zhījiān zhǐyǒu chāyì, bìng wú máodùn, wánquán tóngyìle Bukharin de yìjiàn.

In analysing the French Revolution, it holds that before the Revolution there were likewise only differences but not contradictions within the Third Estate, which was composed of the workers, the peasants and the bourgeoisie.


Zài fēnxī Fǎguó gémìng shí, tāmen jiù rènwéi zài gémìng qián, gōng-nóng zīchǎnjiējí hézǔ de dì-3 děngjí zhōng, yě zhǐyǒu chāyì, bìng wú máodùn.

These views of the Deborin school are anti-Marxist.


Deborin xuépài zhè lèi jiànjiě shì fǎn-Marxzhǔyì de.

This school does not understand that each and every difference already contains contradiction and that difference itself is contradiction.


Tāmen bù zhīdào shìjiè shang de měiyī chāyì zhōng jiù yǐjīng bāohánzhe máodùn, chāyì jiùshì máodùn.

Labour and capital have been in contradiction ever since the two classes came into being, only at first the contradiction had not yet become intense.


Láo-zī zhījiān, cóng liǎng jiējí fāshēng de shíhòu qǐ, jiùshì hùxiāng máodùn de, jǐnjǐn hái méiyǒu jīhuà éryǐ.

Even under the social conditions existing in the Soviet Union, there is a difference between workers and peasants and this very difference is a contradiction, although, unlike the contradiction between labour and capital, it will not become intensified into antagonism or assume the form of class struggle; the workers and the peasants have established a firm alliance in the course of socialist construction and are gradually resolving this contradiction in the course of the advance from socialism to communism.


Gōngnóng zhījiān, jíshǐ zài Sūlián de shèhuì tiáojiàn xià, yě yǒu chāyì, tāmen de chāyì jiùshì máodùn, jǐnjǐn bù huì jīhuà chéngwéi duìkàng, bù qǔ jiējí dòuzhēng de xíngtài, bùtóng yú láo-zī jiān de máodùn; tāmen zài shèhuìzhǔyì jiànshè zhōng xíngchéng gǒnggù de liánméng, bìng zài yóu shèhuì zhǔyì zǒuxiàng gòngchǎnzhǔyì de fāzhǎn guòchéng zhōng zhújiàn de jiějué zhège máodùn.

The question is one of different kinds of contradiction, not of the presence or absence of contradiction.


Zhè shì máodùn de chābiéxìng de wèntí, bùshì máodùn de yǒu-wú de wèntí.

Contradiction is universal and absolute, it is present in the process of development of all things and permeates every process from beginning to end.


Máodùn shì pǔbiàn de, juéduì de, cúnzài yú shìwù fāzhǎn de yīqiè guòchéng zhōng, yòu guànchuàn yú yīqiè guòchéng de shǐzhōng.


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What is meant by the emergence of a new process?


Xīn guòchéng de fāshēng shì shénme ne?

The old unity with its constituent opposites yields to a new unity with its constituent opposites, whereupon a new process emerges to replace the old.


Zhè shì jiù de tǒngyī hè zǔchéng cǐ tǒngyī de duìlì chéngfèn ràngwèi yú xīn de tǒngyī hé zǔchéng cǐ tǒngyī de duìlì chéngfèn, yúshì xīn guòchéng jiù dàitì jiù guòchéng ér fāshēng.

The old process ends and the new one begins.


Jiù guòchéng wánjiéle, xīn guòchéng fāshēngle.

The new process contains new contradictions and begins its own history of the development of contradictions.


Xīn guòchéng yòu bāohánzhe xīn máodùn, kāishǐ tā zìjǐ de máodùn fāzhǎnshǐ.


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As Lenin pointed out, Marx in his Capital gave a model analysis of this movement of opposites which runs through the process of development of things from beginning to end.


Shìwù fāzhǎn guòchéng de zìshǐzhìzhōng de máodùn yùndòng, Lenin zhǐchū Marx zài <<Zīběnlùn>> zhōng mófàn de zuòle zhèyàng de fēnxī.

This is the method that must be employed in studying the development of all things.


Zhè shì yánjiū rènhé shìwù fāzhǎn guòchéng suǒ bìxū yìngyòng de fāngfǎ.

Lenin, too, employed this method correctly and adhered to it in all his writings.


Lenin zìjǐ yě zhèngquè de yìngyòngle tā, guànchè yú tā de quánbù zhùzuò zhōng.


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In his Capital, Marx first analyses the simplest, most ordinary and fundamental, most common and everyday relation of bourgeois (commodity) society, a relation encountered billions of times, viz. the exchange of commodities.


“Marx zài <<Zīběnlùn>> zhōng, shǒuxiān fēnxī de shì zīchǎnjiējí shèhuì (shāngpǐn shèhuì) lǐ zuì jiǎndān de, zuì pǔtōng de, zuì jīběn de, zuì chángjiàn de, zuì píngcháng de, pèngdào yìwàn cì de guānxì――shāngpǐn jiāohuàn.

In this very simple phenomenon (in this "cell" of bourgeois society) analysis reveals all the contradictions (or the germs of all the contradictions) of modern society.


Zhè yī fēnxī zài zhège zuì jiǎndān de xiànxiàng zhīzhōng (zīchǎnjiējí shèhuì de zhège 'xìbāo' zhīzhōng) bàolùle xiàndài shèhuì de yīqiè máodùn (yǐjí yīqiè máodùn de pēiyá).

The subsequent exposition shows us the development (both growth and movement) of these contradictions and of this society in the [summation] of its individual parts, from its beginning to its end.


Wǎnghòu de xùshù yòu xiàng wǒmen biǎomíngle zhèxiē máodùn hé zhège shèhuì gège bùfèn zǒnghé de zìshǐzhìzhōng de fāzhǎn (zēngzhǎng yǔ yùndòng liǎngzhě).”


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Lenin added, "Such must also be the method of exposition (or study) of dialectics in general."


Lenin shuōle shàngmiàn de huà zhīhòu, jiēzhe shuō: “Zhè yīnggāi shì yībān biànzhèngfǎ de……xùshù (yǐjí yánjiū) fāngfǎ.”


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Chinese Communists must learn this method; only then will they be able correctly to analyse the history and the present state of the Chinese revolution and infer its future.


Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng rén bìxū xuéhuì zhège fāngfǎ, cái néng zhèngquè de fēnxī zhōngguó gémìng de lìshǐ hé xiànzhuàng, bìng tuīduàn gémìng de jiānglái.

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Pinyin/On Contradiction