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Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

See also

Key facts

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  • Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder affecting more than 21 million people worldwide.
  • Schizophrenia is characterized by distortions in thinking, perception, emotions, language, sense of self and behaviour. Common experiences include hearing voices and delusions.
  • Worldwide, schizophrenia is associated with considerable disability and may affect educational and occupational performance.
  • People with schizophrenia are 2-2.5 times more likely to die early than the general population. This is often due to physical illnesses, such as cardiovascular, metabolic and infectious diseases.
  • Stigma, discrimination and violation of human rights of people with schizophrenia is common.
  • Schizophrenia is treatable. Treatment with medicines and psychosocial support is effective.

Zhòngyào shìshí

  • Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng shì yīzhǒng yánzhòng de jīngshén jíhuàn, zài quánshìjiè yǐngxiǎngzhe chāoguò 2100 wàn rén.
  • Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng de tèdiǎn shì sīwéi, guāndiǎn, qíngxù, yǔyán, zìwǒ yìshí hé xíngwéi chūxiàn niǔqū. Chángjiàn de zhèngzhuàng bāokuò huàntīng hé wàngxiǎng.
  • Zài quánshìjiè, jīngshén fēnlièzhèng yǔ dàliàng cánjí xiāngguān, érqiě kěnéng yǐngxiǎng jiàoyù xiàoguǒ hé zhíyè biǎoxiàn.
  • Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě zǎonián sǐwáng de kěnéng jiào pǔtōng rénqún gāo chū 2-2.5 bèi. Zhè chángcháng shì yīn shēntǐ jíbìng suǒzhì, rú xīnxuèguǎn jíbìng, dàixiè jíbìng hé chuánrǎnbìng.
  • Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě bèifùwūmíng, zāoshòu qíshì hé rénquán shòudào qīnfàn de xiànxiàng shífēn chángjiàn.
  • Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng kěyǐ zhìliáo. Yàowù zhìliáo hé shèhuì xīnlǐ zhīchí dōu shì yǒuxiào fāngfǎ.


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Schizophrenia is characterized by distortions in thinking, perception, emotions, language, sense of self and behaviour. Common experiences include hearing voices and delusions.


Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng de tèdiǎn shì sīwéi, guāndiǎn, qíngxù, yǔyán, zìwǒ yìshí hé xíngwéi chūxiàn niǔqū. Chángjiàn de zhèngzhuàng bāokuò huàntīng hé wàngxiǎng.

Magnitude and impact

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Schizophrenia affects more than 21 million people worldwide but is not as common as many other mental disorders. It is more common among males (12 million), than females (9 million). Schizophrenia also commonly starts earlier among men.

Schizophrenia is associated with considerable disability and may affect educational and occupational performance.

People with schizophrenia are 2-2.5 times more likely to die early than the general population. This is often due to physical illnesses, such as cardiovascular, metabolic and infectious diseases. For example, the prevalence of diabetes in people with schizophrenia is 2-3 times higher than the general population. This is partly due to the lifestyle of people living with schizophrenia and partly due to antipsychotic treatment, both of which can lead to weight gain.

Stigma, discrimination and violation of human rights of people with schizophrenia is common.

Guīmó hé yiingxiaang

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng zài quánshìjiè yǐngxiǎngzhe chāoguò 2100 wàn rén, dàn tā bù xiàng xǔduō qítā jīngshén jíhuàn nàyàng chángjiàn. Tā zài nánxìng (1200 wàn) bǐ nǚxìng (900 wàn) zhōng gèng chángjiàn, jīngshén fēnlièzhèng zài nánxìng zhòng kāishǐ fābìng de shirqi wǎngwǎng gèng zǎo.

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng yǔ dàliàng cánjí xiāngguān, érqiě kěnéng yǐngxiǎng jiàoyù xiàoguǒ hé zhíyè biǎoxiàn.

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě zǎonián sǐwáng de kěnéng jiào pǔtōng rénqún gāo chū 2-2.5 bèi. Zhè chángcháng shì yinweih shēntǐ jíbìng suǒzhì, rú xīnxuèguǎn jíbìng, dàixiè jíbìng hé chuánrǎnbìng. Yǐ tángniàobìng wéilì, tā zài jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě zhōng de fǎbìnglǜ bǐ pǔtōng rénqún gāo chū 2-3 bèi. Zhè yībùfèn shì yóuyú jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě de shēnghuó fāngshì, yībùfèn shì yóuyú kàng-jīngshénbìng zhìliáo, èrzhě dōu huì dǎozhì tǐzhòng zēngjiā.

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě bèifù-wūmíng, zāoshòu qíshì hé rénquán shòudào qīnfàn de xiànxiàng shífēn chángjiàn.

Causes of schizophrenia

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Research has not identified one single factor. It is thought that an interaction between genes and a range of environmental factors may cause the disorder. Environmental factors include early exposure to certain infections, malnutrition during pregnancy and infancy, and problems during childbirth.

Psychosocial factors also contribute to schizophrenia. These include urbanization, immigration, psychological trauma and stress.

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng de yuányīn

Yánjiū shàngwèi quèrèn rènhé bìngyīn. Yǒu shuōfǎ rènwéi, jīyīn jiān de xiānghù zuòyòng hé yīxìliè huánjìng yīnsù kěnéng dǎozhì jīngshén jíhuàn. Huánjìng yīnsù bāokuò zǎonián jiēchù mǒuxiē gǎnrǎn (rú jiéhébìng), rènshēn qíjiān hé yīng'érqī yíngyǎng bùliáng yǐjí fēnmiǎn guòchéng chūxiàn wèntí.

Shèhuì xīnlǐ yīnsù yěshì zàochéng jīngshén fēnlièzhèng de yuányīn. Zhèxiē yīnsù bāokuò chéngshìhuà, yímín, xīnlǐ chuāngshāng hé yālì.


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More than 50% of people with schizophrenia are not receiving appropriate care. Ninety per cent of people with untreated schizophrenia live in developing countries. Lack of access to mental health services is an important issue. Furthermore people with schizophrenia are less likely to seek care than the general population.


Bànshù yǐshàng de jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě méiyǒu shòudào tuǒshàn zhàohù. Wèi jiēshòu zhìliáo de jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě zhōng yǒu 90% zài fāzhǎnzhōng guójiā. Quēfá huòqǔ jīngshén wèishēng fúwù de qúdào shì gè zhòngyào wèntí. Cǐwài, yǔ pǔtōng rénqún xiāngbǐ, jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě xúnqiú zhàohù de kěnéngxìng gēng dī.


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Schizophrenia is treatable. Treatment with medicines and psychosocial support is effective. However, the majority of people with chronic schizophrenia do not receive treatment.

There is clear evidence that old-style mental hospitals are not effective in providing the treatment that people with mental disorders need and violate basic human rights of persons with mental disorders. Efforts to transfer care from mental health institutions to the community need to be expanded and accelerated. The engagement of family members and the wider community in providing support is very important.

Pilot programmes in several developing countries (e.g. Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Iran, Pakistan, Tanzania) have demonstrated the feasibility of providing care to people with severe mental illness through the primary health-care system by:

  • training primary health-care personnel;
  • providing access to essential drugs;
  • supporting families providing home care; and
  • educating the public to decrease stigma and discrimination.


Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng kěyǐ zhìliáo. Yàowù zhìliáo hé shèhuì xīnlǐ zhīchí dōu shì yǒuxiào fāngfǎ. Dànshì, dàduōshù mànxìng jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě méiyǒu jiēshòu zhìliáo.

Yǒu míngquè zhèngjù xiǎnshì, lǎoshì de jīngshénbìngyuàn méiyǒu yǒuxiào tígōng jīngshén jíhuàn bìngrén suǒxū de zhìliáo, érqiě hái qīnfàn bìngrén de jīběn rénquán. Yīng kuòdà hé jiākuài jiāng zhàohù cóng jīngshén wèishēng jīgòu zhuǎn zhì shèqū de gōngzuò. Ràng jiātíng chéngyuán hé gèng guǎngfàn de shèqū cānyù tígōng zhīchí fēicháng zhòngyào.

Jǐgè fāzhǎnzhōng guójiā (rú Āisāi'ébǐyǎ, Jǐnèiyǎ Bǐshào, Yìndù, Yīlǎng, Bājīsītǎn, Tǎnsāngníyǎ) de shìdiǎn guīhuà yǐjīng biǎomíng, tōngguò chūjí wèishēng bǎojiàn xìtǒng wèi yánzhòng jīngshén jíbìng huànzhě tígōng zhàohù shì kěxíng de, kě cǎiqǔ de cuòshī yǒu:

  • péixùn chūjí wèishēng bǎojiàn rényuán;
  • tígōng huòqǔ jīběn yàowù de qúdào;
  • zhīchí jiātíng tígōng jiātíng zhàohù; yǐjí
  • jìnxíng dàzhòng xuānchuán jiàoyù yǐ jiǎnshǎo wūmíng hé qíshì.

Human rights violations

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People with schizophrenia are prone to human rights violations both inside mental health institutions and in communities. Stigma of the disorder is high. This contributes to discrimination, which can in turn limit access to education, housing and employment.

Qīnfàn rénquán

Jīngshén fēnlièzhèng huànzhě róngyì zāoshòu rénquán qīnfàn, zài jīngshén wèishēng jīgòu hé shèqū nèi dōu shì rúcǐ. Jíhuàn de wūmíng hěn zhòng, zhè yě zàochéngle qíshì, bìng kěnéng yóucǐ xiànzhì huànzhě huòqǔ jiàoyù, zhùfáng hé jiùyè jīhuì.