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In biology and medicine, senescence is a physiological state that deteriorate with time. Senescence is an aging process in organisms. Study found, senescence as a whole will make memory go worse. But some memory such as semantics and general knowledge have a slower rate of deterioration. There might be a positive influence on the aspects of emotions. The subject that study senescence is known as gerontology.

Zài shēngwùxué hé yīxué shàng, lǎohuà shì shēnglǐ zhuàngtài suí shíjiān ér èhuà de xiànxiàng. Shuāilǎo shì shēngwù lǎohuà de guòchéng. Yánjiū fāxiàn, lǎohuà huì shǐ zhěngtǐ jìyìlì shuāituì. Dàn bùfèn de jìyì, rú yǔyì huò chángshí de jìyì shuāituì sùdù jiàomàn. Zài qínggǎn fāngmiàn, què kěnéng yǒu zhèngmiàn de yǐngxiǎng. Yánjiū lǎonián de xuékē chēngwéi lǎoniánxué.