Pinyin/Sensory system

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The sensory system is the way animals find out about their nearby environment

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The sensory system is the way animals find out about their nearby environment and their bodies. To do this they have special devices for collecting data called sense organs. The sense organs act as transducers: they turn energy from the outside or inside of the body into nerve signals. The signals are then very rapidly processed by the brain. The whole arrangement is the sensory system.

gǎnjué xìtǒng shì dòngwù liǎojiě tāmen fùjìn huánjìng hé tāmen shēntǐ d fāngshì. Yào zuòdào zhè yīdiǎn, tāmen yǒu shōují shùjù de tèshū zhuāngzhì, chēngwéi gǎnjué qìguān. Gǎnjué qìguān zuòwéi chuángǎnqì, bǎ shēntǐ wàimiàn hé lǐmiàn de néngliàng biànwéi shénjīng xùnhào. Xùnhào hěn kuài bèi nǎobù chǔlǐ. Zhěngtǐ jiégòu jiùshì gǎnjué xìtǒng.

It is usual to say the sensory system has five senses

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It is usual to say the sensory system has five senses:

  1. Hearing is the sense of sound. Ears hear sounds.
  2. Sight is the sense of seeing. Eyes see.
  3. Touch is the sense of feeling. Skin feels.
  4. Taste is the sense of the flavor. Tongues taste.
  5. Smell is the sense of scent or odor. Noses smell.

Tōngcháng shuō gǎnjué-xìtǒng yǒu 5 zhǒng gǎnjué:

  1. Tīngjué shì shēngyīn de gǎnjué. Ěrduǒ tīngdào shēngyīn.
  2. Shìjué shì kàn de gǎnjué. Yǎnjīng kàn.
  3. Chùjué shì chùmō de gǎnjué. Pífū gǎnjué.
  4. Wèijué shì wèidào de gǎnjué. Shétou gǎnjué wèidào.
  5. Xiùjué shì qìwèi de gǎnjué. Bízi wén.

Actually, there are other senses

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Actually, there are other senses. We have a sense of proprioception which checks our balance. Fishes have a sense system which no land animal has. It is called the lateral line system. This senses movement and vibration in the water pressure and other functions. Some fish can sense patterns of electrical current in the water.

Shìshíshàng, háiyǒu qítā gǎnguān. Wǒmen yǒu běntǐ-gǎnjué jiǎnchá pínghéng. Yúlèi yǒu lùshàng dòngwù méiyǒu de gǎnjué-xìtǒng, jiàozuò cèxiàn-xìtǒng, yǒu gǎnjué shuǐyā de yùndòng hé zhèndòng děng gōngnéng. Yǒuxiē yú kěyǐ gǎnjué shuǐzhōng de diànliú tú'àn.

Handling the data

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A huge amount of data comes in from the sensory system. About 11 million pieces of information per second is one estimation, of which 10 million comes from our eyes. Of this huge number we only handle about 40 in our conscious mind. The rest is handled non-consciously.

Chǔlǐ shùjù

Dàliàng shùjù láizì gǎnjué-xìtǒng. Gūjì měi miǎo yuē 1100 wàn gè xìnxī, qízhōng 1000 wàn gè láizì yǎnjīng. Zhège pángdà de shùzì zhōng, wǒmen de xiǎnyìshí zhǐ chǔlǐ yuē 40 gè. Shèngxià de yóu qiányìshí chǔlǐ.