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Stagflation, in economics, especially macroeconomics, specifically means stagnation, unemployment and inflation, is an economic phenomenon of simultaneous sustained growth.

The reason why this idea is worth noting, is partly based on postwar macroeconomics theories. People believe inflation and economic deterioration cannot exist simultaneously. Also, people widely believe stagflation and financial deficit are the same, once started is hard to cure.

Zhìzhàng, zài jīngjìxué, tèbié shì hóngguān jīngjìxué zhōng, tèzhǐ jīngjì tíngzhì, shīyè hé tōnghuò péngzhàng, tóngshí chíxù zēngzhǎng de jīngjì xiànxiàng.

Zhège gàiniàn zhídé zhùyì de yuányīn, bùfèn jīyú zài zhànhòu de hóngguān jīngjìxué lǐlùn shàng. Rénmen rènwéi tōnghuò péngzhàng yǔ jīngjì shuāituì bùnéng bìngcún. Yě yīnwèi rénmen guǎngfàn rènwéi zhìzhàng yǔ cáizhèng chìzì yīyàng, yīdàn kāishǐ jiù nányú gēnzhì.