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Basic Statistics

[edit | edit source]
  HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense
Base Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Base Stats (GS/C) - - - - - -
Base Stats (RS/FL/E) 80 100 80 100 80 80
Base Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Base Stats (BW/B2W2)
Base Stats (XY/ORAS)
Base Stats (SM/USUM)
Base Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Max Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Max Stats (GS/C) - - - - - -
Max Stats (RS/FL/E) 364 328 284 328 284 284
Max Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Max Stats (B/W/B2W2)
Max Stats (X/Y/ORAS)
Max Stats (SM/USUM)
Max Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Effort Points (Sword/Shield/BDSP)

Type Matching

[edit | edit source]

Move types which are very good on Flygon: Ice
Move types which are good on Flygon: Dragon
Move types which are bad on Flygon: Fire, Poison, Rock
Move types which don't effect Flygon: Electric

All other move types are normal effectiveness on Flygon.

Note: Ground moves do not hit flygon since flygon has the levitate ability.


[edit | edit source]
Level Ruby / Sapphire Fire Red / Leaf Green Emerald
Start Bite
Faint Attack
Sand Tomb
Faint Attack
Sand Tomb
9 Sand-Attack Sand-Attack
17 Faint Attack Faint Attack
25 Sand Tomb Sand Tomb
33 Crunch Crunch
35 Dragonbreath Dragonbreath
41 Screech Screech
53 Sandstorm Sandstorm
65 Hyper Beam Hyper Beam


[edit | edit source]
  • RS/FL: Attract, Dig, Double Team, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Facade, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fly, Frustration, Giga Drain, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Iron Tail, Protect, Rest, Return, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Secret Power, Solarbeam, Steel Wing, Strength, Sunny Day, Toxic


[edit | edit source]
  • RS/FL: Focus Energy, Gust, Quick Attack

Trading Cards

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  • EX Dragon #4 - Flygon
  • EX Dragon #15 - Flygon
Basic: Trapinch Stage 1: Vibrava Stage 2: Flygon