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Basic Statistics

[edit | edit source]
  HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense
Base Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Base Stats (GS/C) 40 60 40 30 40 40
Base Stats (RS/FL/E) 40 60 40 30 40 40
Base Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Base Stats (BW/B2W2)
Base Stats (XY/ORAS)
Base Stats (SM/USUM)
Base Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Max Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Max Stats (GS/C) 283 218 178 158 178 178
Max Stats (RS/FL/E) 284 240 196 174 196 196
Max Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Max Stats (B/W/B2W2)
Max Stats (X/Y/ORAS)
Max Stats (SM/USUM)
Max Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Effort Points (Sword/Shield/BDSP)

Type Matching

[edit | edit source]

Move types which are good on Spinarak: Fire, Flying,Psychic, Rock
Move types which are bad on Spinarak: Bug, Poison
Move types which are very bad on Spinarak: Fighting, Grass

All other move types are normal effectiveness on Spinarak.


[edit | edit source]
Level Gold / Silver Crystal Ruby / Sapphire
XD / Colosseum
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Start Poison Sting
String Shot
Poison Sting
String Shot
Poison Sting
String Shot
Poison Sting
String Shot
6 Scary Face Scary Face Scary Face Scary Face
11 Constrict Constrict Constrict Constrict
17 Night Shade Night Shade Night Shade Night Shade
23 Leech Life Leech Life Leech Life Leech Life
30 Fury Swipes Fury Swipes Fury Swipes Fury Swipes
37 Spider Web Spider Web Spider Web Spider Web
45 Screech Agility Agility Agility
53 Psychic Psychic Psychic Psychic


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Attract, Dig, Double Team, Flash, Frustration, Giga Drain, Hidden Power, Protect, Psychic, Rest, Return, Sludge Bomb, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Thief, Toxic
  • GS/C: Curse, Endure, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swagger
  • RS/FL: Facade, Secret Power


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Baton Pass, Disable, Psybeam, Pursuit, Sonicboom
  • RS/FL: Pursuit

Trading Cards

[edit | edit source]
  • Neo Genesis #75 - Spinarak
  • Neo Discovery #64 - Spinarak
  • Aquapolis #62 - Spinarak
  • Aquapolis #111 - Spinarak
  • EX Team Rocket Returns #78 - Spinarak
Basic: Spinarak Stage 1: Ariados (No Stage 2)