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National Pokédex:

← Espeon | Umbreon | Murkrow →

Basic Statistics

[edit | edit source]
  HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense
Base Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Base Stats (GS/C) 95 65 110 65 60 130
Base Stats (RS/FL/E) 95 65 110 65 60 130
Base Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Base Stats (BW/B2W2)
Base Stats (XY/ORAS)
Base Stats (SM/USUM)
Base Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Max Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Max Stats (GS/C) 393 228 318 228 218 358
Max Stats (RS/FL/E) 394 251 350 251 240 394
Max Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Max Stats (B/W/B2W2)
Max Stats (X/Y/ORAS)
Max Stats (SM/USUM)
Max Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Effort Points (Sword/Shield/BDSP)

Type Matching

[edit | edit source]

Move types which are good on Umbreon: Bug, Fighting
Move types which are bad on Umbreon: Dark , Ghost
Move types which don't effect Umbreon: Psychic

All other move types are normal effectiveness on Umbreon.


[edit | edit source]
Level Gold / Silver Crystal Ruby / Sapphire
XD / Colosseum
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Start Tackle
Tail Whip
Tail Whip
Tail Whip
Helping Hand
Tail Whip
Helping Hand
8 Sand-Attack Sand-Attack Sand-Attack Sand-Attack
16 Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit
23 Quick Attack Quick Attack Quick Attack Quick Attack
30 Confuse Ray Confuse Ray Confuse Ray Confuse Ray
36 Faint Attack Faint Attack Faint Attack Faint Attack
42 Mean Look Mean Look Mean Look Mean Look
47 Screech Screech Screech Screech
52 Moonlight Moonlight Moonlight Moonlight


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Attract, Cut, Double Team, Flash, Frustration, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Iron Tail, Protect, Psychic, Rain Dance, Rest, Return, Shadow Ball, Sunny Day, Toxic, Curse
  • GS/C: Curse, Detect, Dream Eater, Endure, Headbutt, Mud-Slap, Nightmare, Psych Up, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swagger, Swift, Zap Cannon
  • RS/FL: Dig, Facade, Secret Power, Snatch, Taunt, Torment


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Charm, Flail
  • RS/FL: Curse, Endure, Tickle, Wish

Trading Cards

[edit | edit source]
  • Neo Discovery #13 - Umbreon
  • Neo Discovery #32 - Umbreon
  • Aquapolis #H29 - Umbreon
  • Aquapolis #41 - Umbreon
  • Skyridge #H30 - Umbreon
  • Skyridge #32 - Umbreon
  • EX Sandstorm #24 - Umbreon
Basic: Eevee Stage 1: Vaporeon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Jolteon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Flareon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Espeon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Umbreon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Glaceon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Leafeon (No Stage 2)
Stage 1: Sylveon (No Stage 2)