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National Pokédex:

← Yanma | Wooper | Quagsire →

Basic Statistics

[edit | edit source]
  HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense
Base Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Base Stats (GS/C) 55 45 45 15 25 25
Base Stats (RS/FL/E) 55 45 45 15 25 25
Base Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Base Stats (BW/B2W2)
Base Stats (XY/ORAS)
Base Stats (SM/USUM)
Base Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Max Stats (RB/Y) - - - - -
Max Stats (GS/C) 313 188 188 128 148 148
Max Stats (RS/FL/E) 314 207 207 141 163 163
Max Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Max Stats (B/W/B2W2)
Max Stats (X/Y/ORAS)
Max Stats (SM/USUM)
Max Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Effort Points (Sword/Shield/BDSP)

Type Matching

[edit | edit source]

Move types which are very good on Wooper: Grass
Move types which are bad on Wooper: Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Move types which don't effect Wooper: Electric

All other move types are normal effectiveness on Wooper.


[edit | edit source]
Level Gold / Silver Crystal Ruby / Sapphire
XD / Colosseum
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Start Water Gun
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Tail Whip
11 Slam Slam Slam Slam
16 - - Mud Shot Mud Shot
21 Amnesia Amnesia Amnesia Amnesia
31 Earthquake Earthquake Yawn Yawn
36 - - Earthquake Earthquake
41 Rain Dance Rain Dance Rain Dance Rain Dance
51 Mist


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Attract, Dig, Double Team, Earthquake, Flash, Frustration, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Protect, Rain Dance, Rest, Return, Rock Smash, Sandstorm, Sludge Bomb, Surf, Toxic
  • C/RS/FL: Ice Beam
  • GS/C: Curse, Defense Curl, Dynamicpunch, Endure, Headbutt, Ice Punch, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swagger, Whirlpool
  • RS/FL: Blizzard, Dive, Facade, Hail, Secret Power, Water Pulse, Waterfall


[edit | edit source]
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Ancientpower, Body Slam, Safeguard
  • RS/FL: Curse, Mud Sport, Pound, Spit Up, Stockpile

Regional Forms

[edit | edit source]
  • Original
  • Paldean Wooper[1]

Trading Cards

[edit | edit source]
  • Neo Genesis #82 - Wooper
  • Neo Discovery #71 - Wooper
  • Aquapolis #66 - Wooper
  • Aquapolis #117 - Wooper
  • EX Team Rocket Returns #81 - Wooper
  • Mysterious Treasures #118 - Wooper


[edit | edit source]
Basic: Wooper Stage 1: Quagsire (No Stage 2)