Pokémon Red and Blue/Soul Badge

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Fuchsia City

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This large city hosts the Safari Zone and the next Pokémon Gym. However, you will also need to collect two more HMs that you cannot complete the game without. One of them is Strength, which allows you to move certain heavy boulders outside of battle. The other is Surf, which lets you move on water. Both of these HMs require a trip to the very back of the Safari Zone.

The Safari Zone is a series of four interconnected areas connected in a circle; you must traverse the entire area counterclockwise until you reach a dead-end. There you will find Gold Teeth on the ground, and a man inside the nearby house will give you HM 03 (Surf). This is difficult to accomplish in the time given to you when you enter; you may need to go through the Safari Zone twice. Surf lets you take to the oceans and finally travel over water.

What good are the Gold Teeth? In a house in the southeast corner of town you will find a man who cannot speak clearly. Give him the Gold Teeth and he will reward you with HM 04 (Strength). Strength can be used to push large, round boulders out of your way. Why not try it out on the one in this very room? Behind it you will find a Rare Candy.

In the house next to him is a man who will give you the Good Rod. This works like the Old Rod, except that it can catch something other than Magikarp. If you took the east path to Fuchsia, you will already have the Super Rod, which is even better.

Fuchsia City Gym

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This Gym is very deceptive. It looks like a number of enemy Trainers spaced out in an empty room. However, you cannot simply walk up and battle them, because there are invisible walls all over the place! The Trainer to your left when you enter is optional. To reach the Gym Leader, go to the Trainer to the right of the entrance, step to the right of him, and go north. You will encounter two more enemy Trainers. When you reach the back wall, walk behind the back of the enemy Trainer all the way to the left-hand wall, then go down. You will quickly run into an obstacle. You can bypass this by moving towards the enemy Trainer. After him, the path is simple. When you reach the end you will be standing next to an enemy Trainer in the center of the room. This is Koga, the Gym Leader.

Boss — Koga (•4950 reward)

  1. Level 37 Koffing
  2. Level 39 Muk
  3. Level 37 Koffing
  4. Level 43 Weezing

After you defeat Koga, you will receive the Soul Badge. Now that you have this Badge, the Defense stat of all your Pokémon will be boosted for the rest of the game. You will also be given TM 06 (Toxic). You now need to make your way back out by retracing your steps.