Programmable Logic/VHDL General Syntax
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VHDL's syntax is derived from ADA. It is strongly typed and case insensitive.
[edit | edit source]An identifier in VHDL must begin with a letter and can be any combination of letters, digits, and underscore (_).
[edit | edit source]A comment in VHDL is denoted with a "--":
-- Assign the current value to the next state value
sQ_next <= sQ;
Everything after the "--" to the end of the line is considered a comment.
-- This is a valid comment
sQ_next <= sQ; -- This is also a valid comment
[edit | edit source]The following words are VHDL keywords and cannot be used for identifiers (signal names, process names, entity names, etc...)
VHDL 1987
[edit | edit source]This is an incomplete list...
and, or, nor, xor, not, architecture, entity, is, process, procedure,
function, type, subtype, array, begin, end, if, elsif, end, case, when,
others, configuration, package, constant, signal, variable, component,
label, port, generic, all, nand, nor, abs, generate, in, out, inout,
buffer, linkage, bus, library, null, loop, for, body, to, downto
VHDL 1993
[edit | edit source]VHDL 1987 keywords and:
group, impure, inertial, literal, postponed, pure, reject, rol, ror,
shared, sla, sll, sra, srl, unaffected, xnor
VHDL 2000
[edit | edit source]VHDL 1993 and 1987 keywords, additionally:
generate map, access, mod, severity, units, after, until, alias, guarded,
use, new, disconnect, next, protected, attribute, record, of, register, on,
block, exit, open, rem, transport, report, file, return
VHDL 2002
[edit | edit source]VHDL 1993, 1987 and 2000 keywords, additionally:
VHDL 2008
[edit | edit source]VHDL 1993, 1987, 2000 and 2002 keywords, additionally:
VHDL 2019
[edit | edit source]VHDL 1993, 1987, 2000, 2002 and 2008 keywords, additionally:
Alphabetical Reference
[edit | edit source]- abs
- access
- after
- alias
- all
- and
- architecture
- array
- assert
- attribute
- begin
- block
- body
- buffer
- bus
- case
- component
- configuration
- constant
- disconnect
- downto
- else
- elsif
- end
- entity
- exit
- file
- for
- function
- generate
- generic
- guarded
- if
- in
- inout
- is
- label
- library
- linkage
- loop
- map
- mod
- nand
- new
- next
- nor
- not
- null
- of
- on
- open
- or
- others
- out
- package
- port
- procedure
- process
- range
- record
- register
- rem
- report
- return
- select
- severity
- signal
- subtype
- then
- to
- transport
- type
- units
- until
- use
- variable
- wait
- when
- while
- with
- xor
[edit | edit source]B
[edit | edit source]C
[edit | edit source]D
[edit | edit source]E
[edit | edit source]F
[edit | edit source]G
[edit | edit source]H
[edit | edit source]I
[edit | edit source]J
[edit | edit source]K
[edit | edit source]L
[edit | edit source]M
[edit | edit source]N
[edit | edit source]O
[edit | edit source]P
[edit | edit source]Q
[edit | edit source]R
[edit | edit source]S
[edit | edit source]T
[edit | edit source]U
[edit | edit source]V
[edit | edit source]W
[edit | edit source]X
[edit | edit source]Y
[edit | edit source]Z
[edit | edit source]links to other references
[edit | edit source]
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
The abs command in VHDL is a predefined function that returns the absolute value of a numeric argument.
For example, abs(-3)
returns 3
, and abs(4.5)
returns 4.5
The abs command can be used with any numeric type, such as integer, real, or fixed-point.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of abs.
The abs command is synthesiseable.
synthesizable, Rules, tips, common mistakes, related keywords etc
- Syntax
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity abs_module is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
x : in signed(7 downto 0);
y : out signed(7 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture rtl of abs_module is
process (clk, reset)
if rising_edge(clk) then -- clock condition
if reset = '1' then -- synchronous reset condition
y <= (others => '0'); -- initial value for output signal
y <= abs(x); -- assign output to absolute value of input
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity abs_testbench is
end entity;
architecture sim of abs_testbench is
-- declare signals for DUT ports
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '0'; -- added reset signal
signal x : signed(7 downto 0);
signal y : signed(7 downto 0);
-- declare component for DUT
component abs_module
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic; -- added reset signal as input port
x : in signed(7 downto 0);
y : out signed(7 downto 0)
end component;
-- generate clock signal with period of 10 ns
clk_gen: process
clk <= '0';
wait for 5 ns;
clk <= '1';
wait for 5 ns;
end process;
-- generate input values for x from -128 to 127
stim_gen: process
variable i : integer := -128; -- loop variable
wait until rising_edge(clk); -- synchronize with clock
if i = -128 then -- generate a pulse for reset at the beginning of simulation
reset <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
reset <= '0';
end if;
x <= to_signed(i,8); -- assign input value
i := i + 1; -- increment loop variable
if i = 128 then -- stop when loop variable reaches limit
wait; -- suspend process
end if;
end process;
-- instantiate DUT and connect ports
dut: abs_module port map (
clk => clk,
x => x,
y => y,
reset => reset -- added reset signal to port map
-- observe output values and print messages
out_obs: process (clk)
variable exp_y : signed(7 downto 0); -- expected output value
if rising_edge(clk) then -- synchronize with clock
exp_y := abs(x); -- calculate expected output value
if y = exp_y then -- compare output with expected value
report "Test passed for x = " & integer'image(to_integer(x)) & ", y = " & integer'image(to_integer(y)); -- print message if match
report "Test failed for x = " & integer'image(to_integer(x)) & ", y = " & integer'image(to_integer(y)) severity error; -- print message and raise error if mismatch
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
In VHDL, an access type is like a pointer in other programming languages. It allows you to create and manipulate data that is created dynamically during simulation. This means that you can create new data on the fly, and the size of the data doesn’t have to be known in advance.
For example, imagine you want to create a list of numbers, but you don’t know how many numbers there will be. You could use an access type to create a linked list, where each item in the list points to the next item. This way, you can add as many items to the list as you want, without having to know the size of the list beforehand.
Access types are very useful for modeling potentially large structures, like memories or FIFOs, but they are not supported by synthesis tools.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of access.
Not synthesizable
- Syntax
-- Incomplete type declaration
type Item;
-- Access type declaration
type Link is access Item;
-- Record type declaration
type Item is record
Data: string (1 to 6);
NextItem: Link;
end record;
-- Variable declarations
variable StartOfList, Ptr: Link;
variable Line: LINE;
-- Allocating storage
StartOfList := new Item;
StartOfList.all.Data := "First";
StartOfList.all.NextItem := new Item;
StartOfList.all.NextItem.all.Data := "Second";
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
The VHDL command “after” is used to introduce a delay in the assignment of a signal. It is used to specify the time after which the signal should be assigned a new value. For example, x <= '1' after 10 ns;
means that the signal x will be assigned the value '1' after 10 nanoseconds have passed.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of after.
Not Synthesisable.
Delays are not supported in functions.
It is important to note that the “after” command has to do with the delay model. In the default VHDL inertial delay, your second “slower” signal assignment statement cancels the future update of the first. You could schedule multiple updates in one statement to correct this, for example: x <= '1' after 10 ns, '0' after 20 ns;
- Syntax
x <= '1' after 10 ns;
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
Aliases, are alternative names for existing objects, such as signals, variables, constants, types, etc. Aliases can be useful for making your code more readable, avoiding name conflicts, or accessing parts of an array or a record.
You can also use a special syntax << ... >> to create external names, which are aliases that can access objects in other design units or hierarchy levels
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of alias.
Aliases are local to the declarative region where they are defined, and they cannot be redefined or overridden.
Aliases cannot be used as targets of assignments.
Aliases can be used in any place where the original name can be used, such as expressions, statements, or subprogram calls.
- Syntax
alias alias_name : alias_type is object_name;
alias duv_data_bus is <<signal .tb.duv_rtl.data_bus : std_ulogic_vector (0 to 15)>>; -- create an alias duv_data_bus for the signal data_bus in the component duv_rtl in the entity tb
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
The keyword "all" in a context declaration is a way to specify a set of libraries, packages, and entities that are used in a design unit.
For example, you can write:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
This means that all the design units that reference this context will have access to the ieee library and the packages std_logic_1164 and numeric_std. The keyword "all" in this case means that all the design units in the current working library can use this context.
- Alternative
Since VHDL-2008, the keyword "all" is used to indicate that the sensitivity list of a process should be inferred by the tool, rather than explicitly specified by the designer.
The sensitivity list is a list of signals that trigger the execution of the process when they change their values.
For example, consider the following process that implements a D flip-flop with asynchronous reset:
process (i_clk, i_rst)
if i_rst = '1' then
q <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(i_clk) then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
The sensitivity list of this process is (i_clk, i_rst), which means that the process will run whenever i_clk or i_rst changes. However, we can also use the keyword "all" to let the tool infer the sensitivity list for us:
process (all)
if i_rst = '1' then
q <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(i_clk) then
q <= d;
end if;
end process;
This is equivalent to the previous process, as the tool will automatically determine that i_clk and i_rst are the only signals that affect the behavior of the process.
Using the keyword "all" can be convenient and less error-prone, as it avoids the need to manually update the sensitivity list when adding or removing signals from the process.
Some tools may not support this feature, or may generate different results depending on the sensitivity list inference algorithm so check the tool documentation and verify the synthesis and simulation results before using the keyword "all" in a clocked process.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of all.
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
This keyword is used to represent the logical AND operation, which is a basic building block in digital logic circuits.
The `AND` operator performs a bitwise AND operation if the operands are vectors (arrays of bits like std_logic_vector) or performs a logical AND operation if the operands are of type bit or boolean.
If all inputs are ‘1’, the result is ‘1’. Otherwise, the result is ‘0’.
This behavior mimics the functionality of an AND gate in digital electronics.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of and.
- Syntax
signal A, B, C : std_logic;
C <= A AND B;
In this example, signal |
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
The term "Architecture" assumes a pivotal role. It serves as a formal blueprint associated with an entity declaration, tasked with elucidating the internal organization and operation of a design entity. In essence, an architecture delineates the behavior, data flow, or structural composition of the design entity with precision and rigor. This technical construct finds utility in describing the intricate relationships between input and output ports within a design, encompassing two primary components: declarations and concurrent statements. Declarations encompass various elements, including types, signals, constants, subprograms, components, and groups, while concurrent statements articulate how inputs interact with outputs, with diverse statement types allowing for flexibility in expressing design functionality. Architecture, in the context of VHDL, embodies a systematic and unambiguous approach to defining the fundamental characteristics of digital systems, laying the foundation for their subsequent implementation and analysis.
The architecture is used to detail the behavior, data flow, or structure of a design entity.
An architecture linked to an entity primarily delineates the inner relationships between the input and output ports of the entity. It consists of two primary components: declarations and concurrent statements.
The declarative part of an architecture encompasses various types of declarations, such as types, signals, constants, subprograms (functions and procedures), components, and groups. Detailed information on each of these can be found in their respective topics.
Concurrent statements, on the other hand, describe how inputs relate to outputs within the architecture. These relationships can be expressed through diverse types of statements, including concurrent signal assignments, process statements, component instantiations, concurrent procedure calls, generate statements, concurrent assertion statements, and block statements. These statements can be written in various styles, such as structural, dataflow, behavioral (functional), or mixed, depending on the intended design.
Structural descriptions rely on component instantiation and generate statements, enabling the creation of hierarchical projects that range from simple gates to intricate components, encompassing entire subsystems. These components connect through ports, as illustrated in Example 1 for a BCD decoder.
Dataflow descriptions employ concurrent signal assignment statements. Each statement can activate when any of its input signals change, describing the circuit's behavior and structure, as showcased in Example 2.
In contrast, a behavioral description, as demonstrated in Example 3, includes only one or more processes, each containing sequential statements. This approach focuses solely on the expected functionality of the circuit, without specifying hardware implementation details.
A mixed architecture description, as seen in Example 4, combines both behavioral and structural elements within the same architecture body.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of architecture.
An entity can have multiple architectures, but an architecture cannot be assigned to different entities.
An architecture must be associated with an entity.
All declarations within an entity are entirely visible and accessible within any architecture assigned to that entity.
Different types of statements, such as processes, blocks, concurrent signal assignments, component instantiations, etc., can coexist within the same architecture.
- Syntax
Example 1: architecture Structure of Decoder_bcd is
signal S: Bit_Vector(0 to 1);
component AND_Gate
port(A,B:in Bit; D:out Bit);
end component;
component Inverter
port(A:in Bit; B:out Bit);
end component;
Inv1:Inverter port map(A=>bcd(0), B=>S(0));
Inv2:Inverter port map(A=>bcd(1), B=>S(1));
A1:AND_Gate port map(A=>bcd(0), B=>bcd(1), D=>led(3));
A2:AND_Gate port map(A=>bcd(0), B=>S(1), D=>led(2));
A3:AND_Gate port map(A=>S(0), B=>bcd(1), D=>led(1));
A4:AND_Gate port map(A=>S(0), B=>S(1), D=>led(0));
end Structure;
architecture Dataflow of Decoder_bcd is
led(3) <= bcd(0) and bcd(1);
led(2) <= bcd(0) and (not bcd(1));
led(1) <= (not bcd(0)) and bcd(1);
led(0) <= (not bcd(0)) and (not bcd(1));
end Dataflow;
architecture procedural of Decoder_bcd is
signal S: bit_vector (3 downto 0);
P1: process (bcd, S)
case bcd is
when "00" => S <= "0001" after 5 ns;
when "01" => S <= "0010" after 5 ns;
when "10" => S <= "0100" after 5 ns;
when "11" => S <= "1000" after 5 ns;
end case;
led <= S;
end process;
end procedural;
architecture Mixed of Decoder_bcd is
signal S: Bit_Vector(0 to 2);
component Inverter
port(A: in Bit; B: out Bit);
end component;
Inv1: Inverter port map (A=>bcd(0), B=>S(0));
Inv2: Inverter port map (A=>bcd(1), B=>S(1));
P: process (S, bcd)
led(0) <= S(0) and S(1) after 5 ns;
led(1) <= S(0) and bcd(1) after 5 ns;
led(2) <= bcd(0) and S(1) after 5 ns;
led(3) <= bcd(0) and bcd(1) after 5 ns;
end process;
end Mixed;
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
Introduction to the Keyword "Array" in VHDL:
In VHDL, the keyword "Array" is a versatile data type to structure and organise data. In VHDL, an array is formally defined as a type whose value consists of elements of the same subtype, making it ideal for managing homogeneous data sets. What distinguishes each element within an array is an index (or indices, for multidimensional arrays) associated with it. These indices are required to be values of a discrete type and must fall within the specified index range.
In simpler terms, an array is like a container that holds elements of a consistent type, and each element is uniquely identified by its index. The number of indices directly corresponds to the number of dimensions; for example, a one-dimensional array has one index, while a two-dimensional array has two.
Arrays in VHDL come in two flavors: constrained and unconstrained. A constrained array has a fixed size, determined either by a discrete type mark or a specified range. In contrast, an unconstrained array does not have a predefined size; its size is only determined when you declare an object of that type.
For instance, VHDL's Package STANDARD includes predefined unconstrained array types like STRING and BIT_VECTOR. These arrays are widely used, with STRING elements indexed by positive values and BIT_VECTOR elements indexed by natural values.
Arrays in VHDL can be manipulated using various techniques such as indexing, concatenation, aggregates, and slices. These methods provide flexibility in accessing and assigning values to array elements, making them a crucial component of VHDL programming.
It's worth noting that while arrays are a powerful tool in VHDL, not all synthesis tools support multidimensional arrays. There are exceptions, such as two-dimensional "vectors of vectors," and some synthesis tools allow limited support for two-dimensional arrays.
In summary, arrays in VHDL are fundamental data structures that allow you to efficiently manage and manipulate collections of data, making them a key element in VHDL programming.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of array.
- Syntax
type type_name is array (range) of element_type
type type_name is array (type range <>) of element_type
type Real_Matrix is array (1 to 10) of REAL;
type BYTE is array (0 to 7) of BIT;
type Log_4_Vector is array (POSITIVE range 1 to 8, POSITIVE range 1 to 2) of Log_4;
type X is (LOW, HIGH);
type DATA_BUS is array (0 to 7, X) of BIT;
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
In VHDL, the assert
command is used to validate assumptions or conditions within your code. When the condition specified in the assert
statement is false, an error message is generated, and the simulation can be halted, paused, or continue based on the severity level specified.
This feature is useful in VHDL for debugging, as it helps identify errors in the simulation phase, reducing the risk of issues in actual hardware.
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of assert.
Not Synthesisable.
- Syntax The general syntax for the
command is
assert <condition> report "<message>" severity <level>;
process begin assert (clk /= '0') report "Clock signal should not be zero" severity error; end process;
Each component of this syntax serves a specific purpose:
: A boolean expression that the designer expects to be true. If false, theassert
command will activate.<message>
: (Optional) A string that provides additional information about the condition, helping to identify the reason for failure.<level>
: (Optional) Specifies the severity level of the assertion failure, which controls how the simulation responds. Severity levels include:note
: Minor information; simulation continues.warning
: Indicates potential issues; simulation continues.error
: A critical problem; simulation continues but indicates a serious issue.failure
: Terminates the simulation, representing a fatal error.
Why Use the Assert
Using assert
commands enhances the reliability and maintainability of VHDL code. With assertions, designers can ensure that:
- Key assumptions hold true throughout the design.
- Corner cases are effectively handled.
- Critical sections of the design meet expected criteria during simulations.
Assertions are particularly useful in:
- Testbenches, to check expected values.
- Design specifications, to enforce conditions on inputs and outputs.
- Safety-critical applications, to prevent unexpected behaviors.
assert not (S= '1' and R= '1')
report "Both values of signals S and R are equal to '1'"
severity ERROR;
signal test_input : std_logic := '1';
signal test_output : std_logic;
test_process : process
-- Some logic to simulate a condition
test_output <= not test_input;
wait for 10 ns;
-- Assert that the output is as expected
assert (test_output = '0')
report "Test failed: test_output was not '0'"
severity failure;
end process test_process;
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of attribute.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of begin.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of block.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of body.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of buffer.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of bus.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of case.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of component.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of configuration.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of constant.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of disconnect.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of downto.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of else.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of elsif.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of end.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of entity.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of exit.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of file.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of for.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of function.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of generate.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of generic.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of guarded.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of if.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of in.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of inout.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of is.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of label.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of library.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of linkage.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of loop.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of map.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of mod.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of nand.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of new.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of next.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of nor.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of not.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of null.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of of.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of on.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of open.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of or.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of others.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of out.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of package.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of port.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of procedure.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of process.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of range.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of record.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of register.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of rem.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of report.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of return.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of select.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of severity.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of signal.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of subtype.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of then.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of to.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of transport.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of type.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of units.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of until.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of use.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of variable.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of wait.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of when.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of while.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of with.
- Syntax
-- Code
[edit | edit source]- Introduction
- Notes
The 1987 version of VHDL saw the introduction of xor.