Programming for Palm OS/C/Fields
Fields can be described for PilRC like this:
FORM ID MainForm AT (2 2 156 156) BEGIN FIELD ID ArtistField AT (4 14 160-8 14) NONEDITABLE FIELD ID ServerField AT (4 PREVTOP 160-8 14) UNDERLINED END
If text fields can receive focus but not accept any input, maybe the application is accidentally handling keyDown events so that they never make it to FrmDispatchEvent at the end of the chain of command in the event loop.
Although having a field edit a MemHandle (such as a database record) is easy (with FldSetTextHandle), changing the text in a text field is rather more involved:
void FldChangeText( FieldType *field, char *format, ...) { MemHandle fieldChunk; char *fieldStore; UInt32 roomNeeded; Err e; char text[ 99]; va_list args; // format the text va_start( args, format); StrVPrintF( text, format, args); va_end( args); roomNeeded = StrLen(text) + sizeof(NUL); // get the handle for the string and unlock it by removing it from the field fieldChunk = FldGetTextHandle( field); FldSetTextHandle( field, NULL); if ( NULL == fieldChunk) { fieldChunk = MemHandleNew( roomNeeded); if ( NULL == fieldChunk) goto tidyUp; } else { // resize the chunk if necessary if ( MemHandleSize( fieldChunk) < roomNeeded) { e = MemHandleResize( fieldChunk, roomNeeded); if ( e != errNone) goto tidyUp; } } // lock the chunk, write to it and unlock it fieldStore = MemHandleLock( fieldChunk); StrCopy( fieldStore, text); MemHandleUnlock( fieldChunk); tidyUp: // update the text in the field FldSetTextHandle( field, fieldChunk); FldDrawField( field); }