Question Writer Manual/About Questions/Matching

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With this type of question you are asking the quiz taker to match pairs; for example countries and capital cities or heroes and heroines. The quiz taker will be able to drop and drag one element of the pair to make the match.

You can opt to award marks only to quiz-takers who get the all the matches correct - or you can award partial credit proportional to how many correct matches have been made.

You can also limit the number of matches that are displayed each time a questions is used. This is useful if you have a large data set and a single question showing all the possible matches would not be feasible. You can use this feature to limit the number of matches and then reuse the question either in the same quiz or in a different quiz. This example [[1]] contains all 50 US states and capitals but you could also for example use this feature for periodic table symbol questions or indeed for any other large datasets.