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RAC Attack - Oracle Cluster Database at Home/RAC Attack 12c/OS Installation

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  1. Click on Start to boot the virtual machine. If asked to select a start-up disk, choose Oracle_Linux_6_64.iso and click Start again.
  2. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-select boot iso

  3. The Oracle Linux install screen will automatically come up. Hit enter to begin the install.
  4. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-boot menu

  5. Skip the CD testing by pressing the right arrow key and press enter.
  6. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-media test

  7. From this point on you can use the mouse to navigate. To unlock the mouse and keyboard from the VM, hit the right Ctrl key. Click Next.
  8. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-splash start

  9. Leave English (English) selected and click Next.
  10. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-choose language

  11. Leave U.S. English selected and click Next (unless you have another preferred keyboard layout).
  12. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-choose keyboard

  13. Leave Basic Storage Devices selected and click Next.
  14. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-install device

  15. Click Yes, discard any data for the warning box stating The storage device below may contain data.
  16. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-storage device warning

  17. In the hostname field, type collabn1.racattack.
    • Click Configure Network in the bottom left corner.
    • Highlight System eth0 and click the Edit... button.
    • Click the Connect automatically checkbox.
    • Click the IPv4 Settings tab.
    • Click the Method: dropdown and select Manual.
    • Click Add and type for the address.
    • Leave Netmask at 24.
    • In the DNS servers: box, type,
    • In the Search domains: box, type racattack.
    • Click the Apply button.
  18. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-eth0 ipv4 settings

  19. Highlight System eth1 and click the Edit... button.
    • Click the Connect automatically checkbox.
    • Click the IPv4 Settings tab.
    • Click the Method: dropdown and select Manual.
    • Click Add and type
    • Change Netmask to 24.
    • Click the Apply button.
  20. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-eth1 ipv4 settings

  21. Highlight System eth2 and click the Edit... button.
    • Click the Connect automatically checkbox.
    • Click the IPv4 Settings tab.
    • Click the Method: dropdown and select Automatic (DHCP) addresses only.
    • Click the Apply button.
    • Click Close to close the network configuration menu and click Next.
  22. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-eth2 ipv4 settings

  23. Leave the timezone settings as they are and click Next.
  24. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-time zone

  25. Enter the Root Password as racattack and click Next.
  26. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-root password

  27. Click Use Anyway when warned about the weak password.
  28. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-root password confirm

  29. Click Use All Space for the installation type and click Next.
  30. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-use all disk space

  31. Click Write changes to disk when warned about Writing storage configuration to disk.
  32. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-write changes to disk confirm

  33. Leave Basic Server as the default installation type. Click Next.
  34. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-default installation type

  35. The operating system will take a while to install.
  36. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-install progressing

  37. When the installation is complete, click Reboot.
  38. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-complete congrats

  39. The reboot no longer shows messages, just a progress bar.
    • You can see the progress by hitting F8 while the server is booting.
    • The system should boot to a command line login prompt.
  40. RA-Oracle_Linux_6_64bit-Install_OS-post install reboot progress