RCA Open Source Application: ROSA Manual/Appendix A. Palo Installation Guide
Appendix A. Palo Installation Guide
[edit | edit source]To ensure that the ROSA model will function as intended this Appendix is provided as a courtesy outlining the necessary steps for the proper configuration and installation of the ROSA Base Model Database.
Important Note: The user must download and install Palo For Excel from Jedox [see sidebar] before the download and installation of the ROSA Base Model Database. From the Jedox website, download Jedox Open Source, then select Palo For Excel version.
Check for successful installation by opening up Excel where the user will now be able to see the Palo add-in on the Excel menu bar.
Now that Palo for Excel has been downloaded and successfully installed, there will be a new PALO Server Service icon (located in the task bar). When the icon displays a green arrow indicating that, the Palo Server Service is running. If the icon displays a red circle instead of the green arrow, it indicates the Palo Server Service has been interrupted or stopped.
Go to the Alta Via Consulting website at www.altavia.com/publications.php to download the ROSA file. You must first register as a member, then sign-in to the Library to download the ROSA_USB.zip file.
The member registration and login process is required for the purposes of keeping track of the number of downloads made from this site. To view our privacy policies please refer to http://www.altavia.com/legal-privacy-policy.php.
The online Member Registration form is shown below. Just create a Username (Note: Username does not have to be your email address) and Password in order to download.
After download is complete the Palo Server Service must be stopped before the databases can be extracted and installed into the Jedox > Palo > data folder.
Proceed by right clicking on the Palo Server icon in the task bar (system tray) and select “Stop Palo service” as shown.
The database must be placed into a very specific sub directory to ensure the proper operation of Palo; otherwise, you will create a folder inside a folder, which prevents Palo from working properly.
Go to your “C Drive” and select “Program Files” – “Jedox” – “Palo” file path (in Windows Explorer) as shown here: C:\Program_Files\Jedox\Palo
There will be folder marked “data” as shown below, within the Palo folder. Double-click the “data” folder.
This is the correct folder where you will proceed to extract your download ROSA_Base_Model Database and ROSA_Sample_Database folders as shown below.
An alternative path is C:\Documents_and_Settings\All_Users\Documents\Jedox\Palo\data. The path will depend on which version of Excel you are using (ex. Excel 2003 or 2007). Copy the database into the same folder where you will see the Palo data structures as previously described. Note: User will see also see other databases that come pre-loaded with Palo as database examples. One is called “Demo” and the other called “Biker”. This is normal and should not cause any concern that the software downloaded the incorrect databases.
Extract each zipped folder, one at a time, using the “Extraction Wizard”.
After the databases have been extracted into the correct Palo data folder, close all windows to re-Start the Palo Server Manager.
Again, by right clicking on the Palo Server Manager icon in the task bar, select “Start Palo service”.
Confirm that Palo Server Service is running by hovering the cursor over the icon
Now whenever you open Excel you will see the Palo add-in tab within the Excel menu bar and be able to access Palo and its databases. Refer to Unit 4 Demonstration of the Base Model on page 19 of this manual for further instructions on accessing and viewing of the ROSA_Base_Model and ROSA_Sample databases.