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Real Analysis/Normed Linear Spaces

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We will give a brief review of concepts from linear algebra regarding linear spaces and their properties. This is not an exhaustive discussion, so the reader is advised to consult a linear algebra text for more details if these topics are unfamiliar.

Linear Space

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A linear space (also called a vector space) is a set over a field with two operations defined on , addition and scalar multiplication. Let and . The following eight properties define the structure of a linear space.

1. (Symmetry of addition)
2. (Associativity of addition)
3. There exists a unique element such that (Additive identity element)
4. For each there exists such that (Additive inverse)
5. (Scalar multiplication by multiplicative identity)
6. (Associativity of scalar multiplication)

If the field , we call this a real linear space. Similarly, if the field , we call this a complex linear space. We will restrict our study to the case of real linear spaces. Elements of a linear space (or vector space) are called vectors.


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Euclidean Space

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The set is the set of all n-tuples of real numbers. So for some , where , . Say and . This set is a linear space. The addition property and scalar multiplication are shown by


The reader should verify satisfies the above eight properties of a linear space. Recall, the Euclidean space is equipped with an inner product (often called the dot product in ) that is given by


This will come in handy in a following example.


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A subspace of a vector space is a nonempty subset such that is also a linear space. So for any and we have that (i.e., is closed under addition and scalar multiplication).


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Consider and . Then the span of is the set . We will show that the set is a subspace of .


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First, we need to show that the zero element is in (otherwise, it could not be a linear space). It follows that


Therefore, . Now, suppose and . We see


Since by the field properties of the reals, we have that . Hence, this set is closed under the vector space operations. Therefore, is a subspace of .

The astute reader should notice that this subspace is a plane in three-dimensional space.


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A linear combination of vectors is an expression


where and for . This can be expressed in more concise notation as


Given a nonempty subset of a linear space the set of all linear combinations of elements of is called the span of , which we denote with . The span of will generate a subspace of .

A collection of vectors from is said to be linearly independent when

only when . If any nonzero satisfies this equation, then the set of vectors is called linearly dependent.

A basis of a linear space is a linearly independent set of vectors which spans . That is, the subset is a basis if and is a linearly independent set of vectors. The number of linearly independent vectors it takes to span a vector space defines the dimension of that vector space. A vector space is finite-dimensional if it can be spanned by a finite set of basis vectors. If a vector space is not finite-dimensional, it is infinite-dimensional. We denote the dimension of a vector space as .


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The standard basis of the vector space is the set


where the -th basis vector has a one in the -th entry and zeroes elsewhere.

So, in three-dimensional space our basis is the set


Hence, any vector in can be expressed as a linear combination of these basis vectors. A suggested exercise for the reader is to prove that the expression of a vector as a linear combination of basis vectors is unique. Note that the basis set has 3 elements, so the space it spans has a dimension of 3, i.e, .


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In a linear space, we often want to have a concept of the "size" of elements or of the distance between elements. A norm is a function such that for and the following properties hold.

  1. (Triangle inequality)

The norm serves as a way to describe the size of individual elements. Now, if the norm is used to describe the size of a difference between vectors (), it measures the distance between the two. So, we find that the norm induces a metric on the space . Hence, we describe a metric function on by


The reader is encouraged to verify that this function satisfies the metric properties.

A linear space with a norm on it is called a normed linear space. A normed linear space that is complete is called a Banach space.


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Euclidean space has a norm given by


This should be familiar from the Pythagorean theorem. Since is complete, we have that is also complete. Thus, Euclidean space would also be an example of a Banach space. We should also note that the norm here can be expressed as


So, in this case, the inner product induces a norm on our space.