Rebol Programming/now

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NOW /year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /yearday /precise 


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Returns the current local date and time.

NOW is a native value.


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  • /year -- Returns the year only.
  • /month -- Returns the month only.
  • /day -- Returns the day of the month only.
  • /time -- Returns the time only.
  • /zone -- Returns the time zone offset from GMT only.
  • /date -- Returns date only.
  • /weekday -- Returns day of the week as integer (Monday is day 1).
  • /yearday -- Returns day of the year (Julian)
  • /precise -- Use nanosecond precision


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now: native[
    "Returns the current local date and time." 
    /year "Returns the year only." 
    /month "Returns the month only." 
    /day "Returns the day of the month only." 
    /time "Returns the time only." 
    /zone "Returns the time zone offset from GMT only." 
    /date "Returns date only." 
    /weekday {Returns day of the week as integer (Monday is day 1).} 
    /yearday "Returns day of the year (Julian)" 
    /precise "Use nanosecond precision"