Rebol Programming/round

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ROUND n /even /down /half-down /floor /ceiling /half-ceiling /to scale 


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Returns the nearest integer. Halves round up (away from zero) by default.

ROUND is a function value.


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  • n -- The value to round (Type: number money time)


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  • /even -- Halves round toward even results
  • /down -- Round toward zero, ignoring discarded digits. (truncate)
  • /half-down -- Halves round toward zero
  • /floor -- Round in negative direction
  • /ceiling -- Round in positive direction
  • /half-ceiling -- Halves round in positive direction
  • /to -- Return the nearest multiple of the scale parameter
    • scale -- Must be a non-zero value (Type: number money time)


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  • catch


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round: func [
    {Returns the nearest integer. Halves round up (away from zero) by default.} 
    n [number! money! time!] "The value to round" 
    /even "Halves round toward even results" 
    /down {Round toward zero, ignoring discarded digits. (truncate)} 
    /half-down "Halves round toward zero" 
    /floor "Round in negative direction" 
    /ceiling "Round in positive direction" 
    /half-ceiling "Halves round in positive direction" 
    /to "Return the nearest multiple of the scale parameter" 
    scale [number! money! time!] "Must be a non-zero value" 
    /local m
    throw-on-error [
        scale: abs any [scale 1] 
        any [number? n scale: make n scale] 
        make scale either any [even half-ceiling] [
            m: 0.5 * scale + n 
            any [
                all [
                    m = m: m - mod m scale 
                    positive? m - n 
                    m - mod m scale + scale
        ] [
            any [
                (ceiling: (found? half-down) xor negative? n down) 
                n: add n scale * pick [-0.5 0.5] ceiling
            either ceiling [n + mod negate n scale] [n - mod n scale]