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Representation Theory/Set representations

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Definition (set representation):

A set representation is a representation of a group in the category of sets.

Alternatively, set representations are also called group actions, and we say that acts on a set . Whenever , we will denote the corresponding element of (which are just the permutations of ) by as well, so that becomes a bijective function on . In particular, for , we can make sense of expressions such as (which shall be a shorthand for ).

Definition (orbit):

Let be a group acting on a set , and let . The orbit of the element is defined to be the set


Proposition (group action partitions set into orbits):

Let be a group acting on a set . Then is partitioned into orbits of .

Proof: We prove the claim by proving that being in the same orbit is an equivalence relation.

  1. , since as the representation is a group homomorphism, so that represents the identity
  2. since as the representation is a group morphism, so that
  3. since and imply since as the representation is a group homomorphism

Definition (transitive action):

Suppose that is a group acting on . This action is called transitive if and only if all elements are in the same orbit, ie. there is only one orbit, and it is all of .

Equivalently, we could have required that for all , there exists such that .