[edit | edit source]symbol color=blue value=square interpol=none;
proc gplot data=work.australia ;
plot lifesat*lngdp /grid;
run ;
- The symbol statement defines the color, the value and the interpolation between the points on the plot.
- interpol can be "none" (scatterplot), "needle", "regression" (regression line), "line", "spline".
- You can put two plots on the same graph with the 'overlay' option in the plot statement
symbol1 color=blue value=square interpol=none;
symbol2 color=red value=dot interpol=line;
proc gplot data = australia2 ;
plot lifesat*lngdp = 1 lifesat_pred*lngdp = 2 /overlay grid;
run ;
Export to other format
[edit | edit source]You can export to png, jpeg, pdf … Here is an example with a png file.
goptions reset=all;
filename output "W:/…/regression.png";
goptions device=png gsfname=output gsfmode=replace;
symbol1 color=blue value=square interpol=none;
symbol2 color=red value=circle interpol=line;
title "Regression Line" ;
proc gplot data = australia2 ;
plot lifesat*lngdp = 1 lifesat_pred*lngdp = 2 /overlay grid;
run ;