SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/Non-course materials

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This is a place to put links and citations or references to things you think might be interesting or useful to others in the class, like open text book projects.

Open Textbook references

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"What is FHSST? FHSST (Free High School Science Texts) is a project that aims to provide free science and mathematics textbooks for Grades 10 to 12 science learners in South Africa. In the interests of openness in all ways we've written a how-to with all our learnings for you to download. It complements the great case study of FHSST completed by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME)." (JH - put your name or initials here))

In the same family as Wikipedia. A collection of user contributed "textbooks," some of which are merely lists of facts rather than readable texts. (Josh O.)

CCOTP locates and evaluates Open Textbooks. They have a list on MERLOT of open textbooks they consider appropriate for the community college setting. (Josh O.)

  • Faculty Statement of Intent to Use Open Textbooks "Open textbooks and other open educational resources present an affordable, comparable and flexible alternative to commercial course materials:
    • Open textbooks are available online at no cost to students, and they can be printed for a low cost
      in various formats. This ensures all students have equal access to the content,
      while still preserving the option to use a conventional textbook format.
    • Open textbooks that are of comparable quality to commercial textbooks are already available.
      An example of an open textbook is Caltech Professor R. Preston McAfee’s Introduction to Economic Analysis,
      which has been adopted at NYU and Harvard.
    • Open textbooks are flexible. Instructors are free to use a particular edition indefinitely
      or customize content if desired."--berkleys 02:28, 15 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Connexions "is: a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute:
    • authors create and collaborate
    • instructors rapidly build and share custom collections
    • learners find and explore content" --berkleys 02:28, 15 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Talks - Richard Baraniuk: Goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning Rice University professor Richard Baraniuk explains the vision behind Connexions, his open-source, online education system. It cuts out the textbook, allowing teachers to share and modify course materials freely, anywhere in the world.--Elaine Engstrom 03:03, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
  • OpenLearn - The Open University
    At this site, the user may freely access the open content course materials available from The Open University. The Open University, which has a tertiary existence about fifty miles northwest of London in Milton Keynes, England, is dedicated to distance learning and includes courses offered in the Arts and Humanities, Math and the Sciences, and Business and Law. (Beth Z.)
  • The Global Text Project
    This project seeks to provide quality open content to users in both the developing and developed world. Managed by individuals from various universities located throughout the globe, this site includes scanned books along with books developed, or in development, specifically for this project. (Beth Z.)
  • California Open Source Textbook Project
    This site deals with the problem that school districts have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for textbooks, which raises the questions: Would this money be better spent elsewhere in the educational system? Would affordable access (cheaper than the $400 million the webmasters claim that California spends annually) help eliminate the differences between wealthy districts and disadvanteged districts? Is this an egalitarian measure? (E. Hansen)
  • The Cape Town Open Education Declaration
    Like C.O.S.T., this site is an effort to mobilize students and faculty, and other concerned parties, in favor of Open Content material, although it strives for worldwide response. (E. Hansen)
  • CK-12 Foundation [1] "CK-12 allows one to customize and produce content by re-purposing to suit what needs to be taught, using different modules that may suit a learner's learning style, region, language, or level of skill, while adhering to the local education standards." CK-12 is a place "where authors, teachers, and students create, access, share, rate, recommend, and publish." --Jess thudium 02:07, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Bayanihan Books - Publishes online, free, collaborative-authored textbooks created in wiki format under an Attribution-Share Alike CC license, in order to provide better educational resources for primary and secondary school students in the Philippines. The aims of this project are both to create affordable, quality textbook, and also to open up the process of creating them by making it more transparent and subject to review, as well as allow more to participate in authoring textbooks. --Mdesjardin 15:38, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
  • TextbookRevolution - A student and volunteer run wiki that provides free digital textbooks on a range of subjects appropriate for the undergraduate level. The focus is mainly on engineering and the sciences. The books themselves are diverse in formation (some are PDFs and some are other types of ebooks) and license, ranging from public domain and GNU to those with all rights reserved. Users are invited to contribute to the maintenance of the wiki and the contribution of free textbooks to its collection. --Mdesjardin 15:38, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Flatworld Knowledge

Imminent startup (January 2009 launch) will offer a range of free, customizable, digital textbooks under a Creative Commons license. After teachers select a textbook they are permitted to edit, rearrange, delete, and add content to tailor it to their specifications. The resulting textbook is “published” at a unique URL for the students to access for free. The site will also feature a social networking component wherein a student will be able to chat with other online users, post questions and answers, and take and share notes. This is a for-profit venture that will generate revenue by offering the customized textbooks for purchase in premium print, audio, and PDF formats. Additionally students can create study aids and post them for paid download in the marketplace. --Erin Zolkosky 05:19, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

College prep course materials from the University of California designed to bridge the access gap for students in underserved, remote, and low-performing California schools. Primarily targeted to high school students but also used by middle school and community college students. Offerings include math, science, social science, and history online texts and multimedia virtual science labs. --Erin Zolkosky 05:53, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

  • Yale Video Lecture Project "Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn." (Mark Fleszar)
  • Carnegie Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative "Through the OLI project, Carnegie Mellon is working to help the World Wide Web make good on its promise of widely accessible and effective online education." (Mark Fleszar)
  • Internet Archive's Open Source Books

The Internet Archive's goal is to build an Internet library with multi-modal content, from music to websites to books. The Open Source Books project allows community members to submit books to the project. The collection is very eclectic and includes a large amount of foreign language texts. --Tom Hayden 03:19, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

The economist in me would feel guilty if I didn't plug this high quality and well-acclaimed economics textbook published for free by the author. It's not open-source in the sense that users can contribute by editing the live version (like a wiki) but the author makes available the .doc source code for the book, soliciting suggestions. --Tom Hayden 03:25, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

Contains a list of open and free textbooks that may be suitable for use in community college courses--Dmalicke 03:50, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

By Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean, faculty members at De Anza College in Cupertino, California. The textbook contains full materials for course offerings, including expository text, examples, labs, homework, and projects. A Teacher’s Guide is currently available in print form and on the Connexions site at, and supplemental course materials including additional problem sets and video lectures are available at --TravisAugust 03:32, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

On-demand hard-copies of texts from --TravisAugust 03:42, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

A listing of "free" books, which seems to indicate specifically free-of-charge, not necessarily free-as-in-speech. Rather limited in the number of items and only a few that could rightly be considered course texts. --Kchoff

"XXI Texts is a project to find textbooks that have entered the public domain, such as those published in the United States prior to 1923, and revise them to be relevant to students in the twenty-first century. While works that old from some disciplines are nothing more that historical curiosities, in other disciplines where basic knowledge has not changed for some time older textbooks can be surprisingly relevant. The XXI Texts team is currently working on its first volume, Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics." --Kchoff

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