SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium/Akuma

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SNK vs. Capcom - Match of the Millennium
Move List Basics
SNK Characters: Akari | Athena | Geese | Haohmaru | Iori | Kyo | Leona | Mai | Nakoruru | Orochi Iori | Ryo | Terry | Yuri
Capcom Characters: Akuma | B. B. Hood | Chun-Li | Dan | Evil Ryu | Felicia | Guile | Ken | M. Bison | Morrigan | Ryu | Sakura | Zangief
Olympic Mode


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Seoi Nage 背負い投げ (b/f)+P
Tomoe Nage 巴投げ (b/f)+K

Command Attacks

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Senpuu Kyaku 旋風脚 f+K
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku 天魔空刃脚 d+K in air
Zugai Hasatsu 頭蓋破骨 f+P
  • The Zugai Hasatsu is an overhead attack.
  • The second hit of the Zugai Hasatsu is a knockdown attack.

Special Moves

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Ashura Senkuu 阿修羅閃空 (f,df,d/b,db,d)+(P/K)
Gou Hadou Ken 豪波動拳 qcf+P f+P
Gou Shouryuu Ken 豪昇龍拳 dp+P d+P
Hyakki Shuu 百鬼襲 qcf,uf+P (ub/u/uf)+P
Hyakki Gou Sai 百鬼豪砕 (b/f)+P (close) (b/f)+P (close)
Hyakki Gou Sen 百鬼豪尖 K K
Hyakki Gou Shou 百鬼豪衝 P P
Hyakki Gou Tsui 百鬼豪墜 (b/f)+K (close) (b/f)+K (close)
Hyakki Gou Zan 百鬼豪斬 do nothing do nothing
Shakunetsu Hadou Ken 灼熱波動拳 hcb+P b+P
Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku 竜巻斬空脚 qcb+K (air) b+K (air)
Zankuu Hadou Ken 斬空波動拳 qcf+P in air f+P in air
Zenpou Tenshin 前方転身 qcb+P
  • The Zenpou Tenshin cannot be performed with Able Mode on.

Super Combos

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Kongou Kokuretsu Zan 金剛國裂斬 db,hcb,df+P d,u+P
Messatsu Gou Hadou 滅殺豪波動 hcb,hcb+P qcb+P
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu 滅殺豪昇龍 qcf,dp+P qcf+P
Shun Goku Satsu 瞬獄殺 *b,f,b,f+P f,b,f+P
Tenma Gou Zankuu 天魔豪斬空 qcf,qcf+P in air qcf+P in air
  • The Kongou Kokuretsu Zan is Akuma's hidden MAX super combo.
  • The Shun Goku Satsu is a MAX super combo.
  • The Shun Goku Satsu is unblockable.