School Science/Story of Magnet

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Magnetic Action
Pole of a magnet

Content-1 Information

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People are curious about knowing the unknowns. Many things in the world are unknown or not understood. This chapter is about magnets. Magnet is a technical term but is usually used to mean a thing that attract iron.

Content-2 Story

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More than two thousand years ago a shepherd boy,'Magnus' by name, was watching his sheep 🐑. He was carrying a big stick with a iron point under the stick. As he watching his sheep, he put his stick on a piece of rock.But when he wanted to run after the sheep, which has wandered too far away. He found to his surprise that it was too difficult to take his stick off the rock. From this rock came a mysterious force. Which was attracting the iron object of his stick. Magnus was the first person who found this kind of rock. And this kind of rock is the ancient Magnet of the world. And this rock was named after the inventor-Magnus. In really magnets take their name from the town - 'Magnesia'. People believed that there were hole island of a magnetic nature that could attract all the iron metals of the world. But after some years they were start believing that the magnet rock attract a iron metal when it was so near from the magnet. People soon realized that magnetite not only attracted objects made of iron but when made into the shape of a needle and floated on water.

Content-3 Scientific Explanation

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Magnetite always pointed in a North-South direction creating a primitive compass. In our world we can navigate the direction by compass, which is working by the rules of Magnet. We are using Magnet for various purpose in all Scientific field. Magnet are used to move things around. Generally Magnet use in a Generator, in a Transformer, in a Motor, in a Speaker, in a fan etc.

Content-4 Types of Magnet

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There are three (3) types of magnet. They are 1- permanent, 2- temporary and 3- electromagnet. 1. Permanent magnet is kind of a real magnet. That means this is a mineral magnet. 2. Temporary magnet means a magnet which is not real but it works like a magnet. Such as solenoid. Solenoid is a temporary magnet which is made from a rod with electric coil.3. Electromagnet is a magnet which is made on a electric field.