Scratch/Lessons/Stage Design
When you are creating a Scratch project, you may want to create a background for it. While sprites can be used as backgrounds, designing a backdrop is, in general, a much better idea. Why? For one, backdrops cannot move using the move blocks so you will never need to manually position them. Additionally, backdrops are always in the back of the stage so you do not have to move layers around.
How do you create backdrops? Let's find out!
First, in order to design a backdrop, you must navigate to the backdrop itself. Look near the botoom right of your screen. Below the Stage Area you should see a column titled "Stage." Click on it.
Now you are editing the code, sounds, and appearance of the backdrop. Near the top left of the screen click on the "Backdrops" tab next to "Code" and "Sounds." You should now be met with this interface: