Short introduction to the use of sewing machines/Sewing labs/Dreamo/Research and development

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In this section will be added research about new materials and development of design.


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Kapok filler

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Kapok trees has been source for pillow fillers for centuries.[1]


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Can be bought in an hypoallergenic presentation (where less synthetic chemicals are used for its production)

Kapok does not poke the pillows and does not need a thicken inside the pillows.

Low price.

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Cotton stuffing can be bought by pounds in department stores.


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Recommended 100 % cotton organic without bleach, but any option could be used. Benefits: Is breathable. I went to a fabrics, arts and crafts store and bought a few yards... Bleached can be used but organic materials without bleaching are less allergenic.


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Can be bought in an hypoallergenic presentation (where less synthetic chemicals are used for its production)

Cotton does not poke the pillows and does not need a thicken inside the pillows.

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Cotton stuffing can be bought by pounds in department stores.

Can be obtained from Alpaca, sheep, goats and other animals.


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Can be bought in an hypoallergenic presentation (where less synthetic chemicals are used for its production)

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Cotton stuffing can be bought by pounds in department stores.


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The options are duck and goose down and feathers. We can classify them in down and feathers, where down of birds is a layer of fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers.

Goose feather. They are very soft, provide a great cushion and can easily move in any direction inside the pillow at any time.

Can be bought either in department stores or be bought as a pillow on sale (when they are 75 % off) and use the infill a pillow with a shape and design adapted to your anatomy.


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Allow a modifiable distribution of the material inside the pillows.

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Feathers can be allergic to humans. Thickens must be used to avoid feathers poke users or exit the pillow trough the fabric having the risk of going into the lungs and produce pneumonia or disperse particles and feathers trough the rooms.


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Filling Feathers can be bought in department stores.

Another benefit of using organics materials that were produced without carcinogen materials will eliminate the risk of develop cancer due toxic substances, keeping you and your family free of congenital diseases.


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Tongue shaped

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The tongue design is made to occupy the area where the human body sleeps, a difference form the horizontal-rectangular design that covers the user head area without neck or upper spine support.


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  1. Book: Árboles emblemáticos de Venezuela,2013, ISBN 978-980-235-044-5, pages 34-37