Sidux/Useable applications/Desktop add-ons

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What for?

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Are add-ons necessary? Of course not but they make work on computer much easy.
Using theme you have an easy access to many system functions, applications and informations.

Panel applets

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The first group of add-ons are desktop panel applets.
Just put a mouse pointer on a panel and choose from mouse menu: Add New Items.
Some of theme I described in Chapter: Sidux/System and package management

Wbar is an independent panel for launching applications easy to configure with "wbarconf" app.
1. Download packages:
a. "wbar.deb" from:
b. "wbarconf.deb" from:
2. Installation:
dpkg -i wbar_version.deb wbarconf_version.deb
a. In a case of dependent problems:
apt-get install -f
b. There is a newer version of "wbar" package in Debian repositories but it makes problems
so just block the present version:
echo wbar hold|dpkg --set-selections
3. Run it from: Menu-> Accessories-> WbarConf
a. You can change applications titles, icons and commands on right side
b. To change some settings go to "File" tab-> Settings:
1. position on the screen (top, centre, bottom, left, right)
2. icon size
3. jump factor, etc.
c. Then click on "refresh" button and save the new settings.
4. The default Wbar looks like this:
and like that after icon changing for "black-white_2-vista" style (for example):
5. If you want to Wbar be started with the system startup add a new enter to:
Menu-> Settings-> Session and Startup-> Application Autostart-> Add
a. Name: Wbar
b. Command: copy if from hidden file ".wbar" in "home" folder:


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Screenlets is a set of desktop various applets, install it:
apt-get install screenlets python-gnomekeyring
1. Run it from: Menu-> Accessories> Screenlets.
2. Choose an applet clicking on it twice.
3. Settings available from mouse menu such as:
a. size
b. theme
c. window-> Lock, Keep below or Keep above of others application's window.
d. properties
4. If you want to run Screenlets with the system startup go to: Options-> Running Screenlets:
a. mark an applet and tick: Auto start on login
b. To get more applets click on: Get more screenlets and download theme, extract and move to folder:
c. To make sure applets have been added to startup just check:
Menu-> Settings-> Session and Startup-> Application Autostart.
5. To have your town's weather on Weather applet, get ClearWeatherScreenlet's Zip Code for your location from:
a. Find your country and city/town and copy the "Zip Code" from a web browser address field:
UKXX0085 for UK/London for example.
b. Enter the code to Weather applet Zip Code field:
6. There are a few sample screenlets below:

Screenlets home page:
And on Wikipedia:


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  1. gDesklets - for GNOME environment:,
  2. SuperKaramba - KDE:,
  3. AWN:
  4. Cairo-dock:
  5. Conky:,