Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education/Technology/Internet

The Internet, as defined by Concept to Classroom, is a collection of computers connected in a worldwide network. This means that knowledge can be shared quickly and worldwide with just the click of a button. Does the Internet have a place in the classroom? Yes! The Internet is not going anywhere; its power is only increasing. Teachers need to be able to harness that power and use it to better prepare our children for the “real world”. By integrating this technology into our classrooms one can only imagine the exposure and information our children will be able to gain. Also it makes you think where education will go in the future.
Why Use the Internet?
[edit | edit source]The Internet is a great tool for every subject. It not only answers questions about assigned work but helps children to formulate their own questions and find those answers as well. It can enhance the impact of a lesson, increase communication, and make presentations easy and fun. If used properly the Internet can engage today's learner. Integrating technology does not mean using it as a reward for good behavior or a babysitter while you grade papers. Integrating technology means using it as a means of enhancing the lessons you are already teaching. It helps students “move beyond knowledge and comprehension to application and analysis of information” (Dockstader 1999). Today's learners are fast-paced and easily bored; thus, the use of computers helps to keep them focused, engaged, and excited about what they are learning. Computer skills should be taught in conjunction with core content (Dockstader 1999). Students acquire many computer skills just by giving them the chance to explore and create through the learning process (Dockstader 1999). The teaching profession is changing along with the digital age.
According to Don Tapscott, there are eight major shifts:
- Shifting from linear to hypermedia learning
- Shifting from instruction to construction and discovery
- Shifting from teacher-centered to learner-centered education
- Shifting from absorbing material to learning how to navigate and how to learn
- Shifting from school to lifelong learning
- Shifting from one-size-fits-all to customized learning
- Shifting from learning as torture to learning as fun
- Shifting from the teacher as transmitter to the teacher as facilitator
These shifts are a huge evolution and teachers need to be better trained to assist this new style of learning (Tapscott 1999).
Home Use
[edit | edit source]“ | The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom. | ” |
—Jon Stewart |
Domine did a study on children who have access to at least one computer, and use it on a regular basis. She found that students use the Internet at home to look up sport information, chat with friends, download music, watch videos and sometimes to do their homework. The students she interviewed claimed to be “clueless about computers” or “not to be a computer person”; when really their lives revolved around the computer. Although at home, they are pulling from their parents for direction and that guides what they do and how they are exposed to the Internet. These children are digital natives and while they may not be experts on programming they can easily find any information on any topic they are looking for(Domine 2006).
School Use
[edit | edit source]“ | Advances in computer technology and the Internet have changed the way America works, learns, and communicates. The Internet has become an integral part of America's economic, political, and social life. | ” |
—Bill Clinton |
If students are getting exposure to the Internet at home, why integrate it into the classroom? The job of the teacher in a classroom is evolving with technology. It is our job as teachers to guide children to the “good” information on the Internet and teach them how to discern credible information from non-credible information. Kids themselves realize what a good tool it is, “…the perfect tool for education”, says Junior from Domine's study. It is also the job of the teacher to connect how the children use the Internet at home to how they use it at school. When used properly it can play an important position in making the curriculum come alive to all students (Domine 2006).
Benefits of Technology Integration
[edit | edit source]“ | We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people. | ” |
—Pierre Omidyar |
Using the Internet in the classroom has an infinite number of benefits. The four main areas in which the Internet is useful in the classroom are communication and collaboration, research, data collection, and web publishing (NTTI 2006). Students can have access to peers around the world, experts in any field, and information on any topic. When using real-time Internet, students can really see the connection between what they are studying and the real world applications (NTTI 2006). Web publishing is advanced for most teachers but when children get a chance to display their work to the world, they put more effort into what they are learning and are more enthusiastic about projects, as their efforts will show (NTTI 2006).
The Internet expands the up to date resources available to every child. It also gives meaning and depth to what the children are learning from their texts. It can also reduce time and location dependency (Concept to Classroom 2004). For example, if you are teaching a lesson on archeology, after learning background information, students can go to the Internet and participate on a dig or talk with a real archeologist. It helps to bring printed information to life! Schools are dynamic, ever changing places and the Internet is a great tool but as always in teaching, it is up to the teacher to decide what is the best resource to use for any given lesson (Concept to Classroom 2004).
Disadvantages of Technology Integration
[edit | edit source]One big disadvantage that schools are faced with is cost. Surprise! Technology isn't cheap! In addition to just buying the computers/laptops, schools need chairs that prevent back injury, they need wireless connections in every classroom, and they need ways to protect the expensive equipment they buy (Kennedy 2007). Schools are already complaining about tight budgets and now we are asking them to contribute thousands or millions of dollars to bring our schools into the high tech world. Will that money take away from buying updated textbooks?
Another worry is that Internet in schools will distract or replace teaching basic skills(Concept to Classroom 2004). This worry can be lessened by having productive training and in-services for teachers who are already in the classroom and good basic instruction for those studying to go into today's classrooms. Again the Internet should not replace any instruction only add to its value.
Another concern is access to inappropriate and distracting information. We now have fairly strong filtering systems in place to prevent most access to information such as pornography or online (non-educational) games. Also most schools have an Acceptable Use Policy that outlines the rules for appropriate use and consequences for using the Internet inappropriately (Concept to Classroom 2004).
A big concern of teachers is that they don't have the time or resources to facilitate productive use of the Internet. The school days are already jam-packed and we are asking them to update their plans to include technology they don't know how to use (Norm L. 2005). And what happens when the technology isn't reliable?? More support staff and in-services are required to make the most of what tools we have...but again up creeps the money issue.
Best Practices and Helpful Hints
[edit | edit source]The goal is to integrate technology so that it is adding to our educational value. The skills we are teaching must relate to the content area, the classroom, and they need to be assisting the traditional method of instruction (Dockstader 1999). Teachers need to be comfortable with the media before giving access to the students. Here are seven steps that the Jerome School District used when trying to integrate technology:
- Choose a core area (just one to start)
- Decide what technology skill you want to teach or could be taught in this area
- Choose one lesson that could be enhanced or taught through the computer (start easy!)
- Develop that one lesson in a software package you know very well
- Use it!
- Evaluate how it went, what needs to change for next time
- Refine the lesson and repeat the process with another lesson or core area (Dockstader 1999).
There are so many websites available to teachers for technological support. Use them!! If you have a problem don't be afraid to ask for help. Use your colleagues as a resource. Most school systems have at least one technology support staff to assist you in learning a new program or executing a new, improved lesson! We, as teachers, need to model that we don't know everything but we know how to find the answers or help when needed.
[edit | edit source]As far as technology in our schools is concerned we have come a long way. However, there is still a long way yet to go. We need better-trained teachers who appreciate what an amazing resource the Internet can be in a classroom. We need the money to help all schools have the same opportunities. Most importantly, we, as teachers, need patience and the desire to grow and evolve with the path of education.
Multiple Choice Questions
[edit | edit source]Click to reveal the answer.
- A. Use it as a reward.
- B. Incorporate it into lesson plans you already use.
- C. Use it as a babysitter.
- D. Throw it out a window.
- A. The cafeteria workers.
- B. The grade level chairperson.
- C. The special education teacher.
- D. The technology specialist.
- A. Asking her parents.
- B. Writing a letter to the African ambassador.
- C. Researching her topic on the Internet, using Google and scholarly websites.
- D. Calling her best friend that moved to Africa.
- A. Providing more in-services and better training.
- B. Putting more computers in the classrooms.
- C. Making it a requirement of the job.
- D. Take it completely out of the schools.
- A. He could take the children on a walk through the woods.
- B. He could pass rocks around the room.
- C. He could ask them to read from their textbooks.
- D. He could use Google Earth to show examples of where to find certain rocks.
- A. Software
- B. Internet
- C. Telephone
- D. Television
- A. Lesson plans, communication, and presentations.
- B. Lessons, studying, and public speaking.
- C. Lessons, talking on the phone, and writing skills.
- D. Homework, extra credit projects, and research.
- A. Mel Gibson
- B. John Moore
- C. Jon Stewart
- D. Davis Rosa
Essay Question
[edit | edit source]Click to reveal sample responses.
As a future teacher, I plan to use technology as often as possible in my classroom. I want my classroom to be interactive so that the students will always be interested in what they are learning. In order to make my classroom interactive I hope to use SMART BOARDS and PowerPoint presentations in my classroom. I hope to be able to use a SMART BOARD to create interactive games that I can play with my students to help them better understand subjects that we are learning in class. I also plan to use PowerPoint presentation to present lessons and information that the students need to learn. Standing in front of the class and writing on a white board would probably bore the students so I plan to find ways, like using PowerPoint, to keep them interested. I also plan to use the internet at every opportunity that I have. I plan to have lesson that will require the students to use the Internet to search for information or to play games that will reiterate and review what we are learning or have learned in class. The Internet will only be used in my classroom for educational purposes. It will not be used as a way just to keep the students busy or to simply give them something to do. Technology is already and will continue to revolutionize and change the classroom. I plan to keep up with the changing technology and use it to the best advantage of both me and my students. —Charlis Harvey
Technology in the classroom has many purposes. One purpose of technology in the classroom is to provide students with a different way to learn. An interactive way of studying the same subjects. I plan to use the internet to allow my students to take virtual field trips and as a way of researching for projects and assignments. Not only will this be a different, interactive approach, it will also help students with their computer skills, which will be vital to their success in the future job market. Using computer based testing and reading programs will provide students with another alternative to pencil and paper based testing and maybe lessen test anxiety since they aren't trying to finish the paper test faster than their peers. I also plan to utilize some resources that I have found on the web that can be tailored to power point lessons, and even Jeopardy games for different learning modules. I recently created a Jeopardy game for second grade social studies and then asked my second grader to play with me. I wanted to judge his response to learning the material in a different manner and was pleasantly surprised to see his excitement at this activity. I think that the use of PowerPoints, and even short video clips can greatly enhance students educational experience and I plan to integrate it into my lesson plans as much as possible. As a substitute teacher, I have been exposed to many different teaching styles and many different tools. I think that technology integration, used in the proper manner, with the proper safeguards can only enhance the futures of students. —Tammy Bartlett
Let’s face it: students today have grown in a world full of technology. Most children spend their leisure time on the computer, their mp3 player, or on some other type of technology device. So for the most part I think it is safe to say that children enjoy the digital world they are in. Teachers need to meet in the middle and incorporate some of these technology advances within their classroom to grab the attention of their students.
There are many inventive and creative ways to incorporate technology. Some may include using blogs, the internet, podcast, and smart boards. Teachers can educate and guide students to use these forms of technology in an more educational way. For instance; teachers and students can use blogging in the classroom. Blogging can be used like a discussion board. The teacher can post an article on a blog then the class can discuss and evaluate the article online. The internet can be used more for more then researching a topic. There are tons of educational games out there that can fit into the school’s curriculum. Using the form of a game allows the students to learn while having fun. Podcast could be very beneficial for homebound and sick students. If the student missed a class they would have the lecture to listen. Another thing that could be very beneficial in the classroom is a smart board. This tool allows students to learn more hands on.
There are many forms of technology that can be incorporated within the classroom. The main thing is for teachers to take advantages of these resources. If students do not then they could be disabling students of this age to learn at the best of their capabilities. —Krystal BellReferences
[edit | edit source]- Domine, V. (Summer 2006). Student attitudes about classroom internet use. Academic Exchange Quarterly., 10, 2. p. 104(5). Retrieved September 11, 2007, from Academic OneFile via Gale: [1]
- Kennedy, M. (June 1, 2007). Adjusting to Technology. (classroom Internet). American School & University., 79, 11. p.NA. Retrieved September 11, 2007, from Academic OneFile via Gale: [2]
- Dockstader, Jolene. (January 1999). Teachers of the 21st Century Know the What, Why, and How of Technology Integration. The Journal. Retrieved September 6, 2007.
- National Teacher Training Institute (NTTI). (2006). Why Use Internet in the Classroom. Thirteen|ed online. Retrieved September 11, 2007.
- Concept to Classroom. (2004). Why the Net? An Interactive Tool for the Classroom. Education Professional Development Standards Authentic Assessment Technology. Retrieved September 11, 2007.
- Tapscott, Don. (1999). Educating the Net Generation. Educational Leadership., 56, 5. p. 6-11.
- Norm L. (2005). When Techies Don't Get It. The Blue Skunk Blog. Retrieved September 6, 2007. [3]
- Internet In the Classroom. (5/27/1999) Curriculum Sites K-12
- Community Learning Network. Integrate the Internet into the Classroom.
- 999 Today. (Aug. 30, 2006.) Teachers want greater Internet access in classrooms. Educations and Acedemia. Retrieved September 20, 2007. [4]